Thursday, November 7, 2019

Gujarat Health Department List of Candidates for Document Verification for Lab Technician & Lab Assistant Posts 2019

Gujarat Health and Family Welfare Department has published List of Candidates for Document Verification for the post of Lab Technician & Lab Assistant 2019, Check below for more details.

Department of Health & Family Welfare, Government of Gujarat has created wide network of health and medical care facilities in the state to provides primary, secondary and tertiary health care at the door step of every citizen of Gujarat with prime focus on BPL families, marginalized population and weaker sections in rural and urban slum areas. Department also takes appropriate actions to create adequate educational facilities for medical and paramedical manpower in the state of Gujarat...

To perform all of the activities of Health and Family Welfare Department, discrete sub-departments (HODs) are established as below:
Commissionerate of Health, Medical Services, Medical Education and Research
Gujarat Medical Services Corporation Limited.(GMSCL)
Food and Drug Control Authority (FDCA)
Directorate of Indian System of Medicine and Homeopathy (AYUSH)
Employee State Insurance Scheme (ESIS)

Government of Gujarat is committed to provide medical facilities at the most level, keeping pace with rapid technological developments in the field of Healthcare.

Mission & Vision

Increasing life expectancy through various health and medical care interventions contributing to overall Improvement in Human Development Index of the Gujarat to a level comparable with developed countries.

Increase life expectancy and improve physical quality of life of people of Gujarat so that they attain the highest level of physical, mental and spiritual health and contribute towards the development of the state.

Functions & Objective
Provision of primary, secondary and tertiary health care to needy population of Gujarat
Creating adequate infrastructure for provision of health care services
Creating adequate educational facilities for medical and paramedical manpower
Food and drug safety through legislation and monitoring system
Implementation of National Health Programs as per local needs
Managing emergencies and providing emergency medical care during disaster and natural calamities
Promoting AYUSH as supplement to modern system of medicine
Reducing Maternal and Child Mortality.
Reducing mortality and morbidity due to major communicable and non-communicable diseases.
Providing emergency medical care during disaster and natural calamities.
Creating adequate infrastructure for medical and paramedical education.
Creating awareness on self care, family care and community care.

Health Department’s Core Functions
Provision of primary, secondary and tertiary health care to needy population of Gujarat
Creating adequate infrastructure for provision of health care services
Creating adequate educational facilities for medical and paramedical manpower
Food and drug safety through legislation and monitoring system
Implementation of National Health Programmes as per local needs
Managing emergencies and providing emergency medical care during disaster and natural calamities
Promoting AYUSH as supplement to modern system of medicine
Lab Technician
Lab Assistant

List of Candidates for Document Verification & Other Details: Click Here

Document Verification Date: 08-11-2019 to 17-11-2019

For more details: Click Here

from Aapanu Gujarat :: An Official Website
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