Monday, December 9, 2019

How to Calculate Dearness Allowance for Central Government Employees and Pensioners after implementation of 7th Pay Commission?

How to Calculate Dearness Allowance for Central Government Employees and Pensioners after implementation of 7th Pay Commission?
Now that, 7th Pay Commission recommendations has been implemented with effect from 1st Jan 2016. Though 7th Pay Commission has recommended for using the same series of Consumer Price Index (Industrial Workers) with Base 2001=100, DA Calculation formula used for 6th CPC Pay will have to be revised as DA to the extent of 125% will be merged with Basic Pay on implementation of 7th Pay Commission recommendations.

In other words, DA on 7th CPC Pay with effect from 1st January 2016 will be reset to 0%.

New DA Calculation Formula based on CPI (IW) after 7th Pay Commission implementation will be as follows.

Dearness Allowance payable with effect from 7th CPC Basic Pay = (Avg of CPI-IW for the past 12 months – Average of CPI-IW recorded in 2015)*100/(Average of CPI-IW recorded in 2015)

New DA Calculator for calculating Dearness Allowance payable on 7th CPC Basic Pay:

Taking in to account, the revised DA Calculation Formula we have now come up with a new 7th Pay Commission DA Calculator.

How to Calculate DA from 1st January 2016?

We have all the actual Consumer Price Indices from January 2015 to December 2015 based on which DA from Jauary 2016 is calculated to be 0%
DA with effect from 1st January 2016 = [261.4]-(261.4)X100/261.4

Like wise the latest DA Estimation, i.e DA from July 2019 is as follows
Consumer Price Index from July 2018 to June 2019 is as follows.
Month Actual AICPI-IW
Jul-2018 301
Aug-2018 301
Sep-2018 301
Oct-2018 302
Nov-2018 302
Dec-2018 301
Jan-2019 307
Feb-2019 307
Mar-2019 309
Apr-2019 312
May-2019 314
Jun-2019 316

Calculation of DA using the above data is as follows:
DA with effect from 1st July 2019 = [ (301+301+301+302+302+301+307+307+309+312+314+316)/12]-(261.4)X100/261.4
= 17 % (increase of 5% from the DA of 9% w.e.f July 2019)

from Aapanu Gujarat :: An Official Website
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