information about education Policies, plans and Career Guide
Free and compulsory education for every child up to the age of 14 is provided for in the Constitution of India. Parliament has recently passed the Right to Education Act which considers education as a basic right for a child of 6-14 years. The country has yet to achieve the goal of ubiquitous primary education which means 100 per cent school enrollment and keeping children in school through school facilities and accommodation. To fill this gap, the government launched the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan in 2001, the largest such program in the world.
In this field of information technology, especially in rural India, ICT plays an important role in bridging the gap between what should and should not be in education. Vikaspedia's Department of Primary Education contributes to the achievement of the purpose of primary education in India by providing a variety of material resources.
Child rights
Education is a basic human right: every citizen has the right to it. It is important for the development of our individual and the country.
Policies and plans
Every child between the ages of 6 and 14 has the right to free and compulsory education. This is suggested in 86 constitutional amendments of Article 21A.
Children's Corner
The children's science department teaches children in an interactive, simple, visual way that gives them knowledge about scientific matters, inspires creative thinking and increases participation in the learning process.
Teacher's corner
Teaching and learning is an important process that involves many things. These things help the learner to complete the goal and give him new knowledge, behaviors and skills.
Online evaluation::
Test their subject knowledge through age based assessment on various subjects and try to improve their education by using it in student assessment.
Best Practices Education- Best Practices::
Multiple intelligence is Howard Gardner's psychological theory based on a person's various mental abilities (logical, visual, musical, etc.). Everyone has a bit of intelligence. An individual has two or more domain intelligence and some of the remaining seven have balance intelligence.
Career Guide::
Career guidance helps to develop well in the future. This section provides the reader with information about various options available after 10th standard, after graduation and other related information.
IT literacy::
The IT literacy section of this web portal provides information about various open source technologies, fonts technology, available source materials, computer basics, basic hardware, basic designing - Coral Draw. And also includes frequently asked questions about computer usage and regional languages. from TET HTAT GURU INFO
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