Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Home Learning Daily Video 8 october std 1 to 12

 Home Learning Daily Video 8 october std 1 to 12

Shubhangi Mittal, a first-year student of Delhi University, is ready to travel to school . She opens her WhatsApp, downloads the PDF file, listens to the audio lecture, then moves on to the video chat together with her professor to debate the lesson. She is among quite 60 million students worldwide who are attending some sort of online lectures during a post-coronavirus world.

“We use many online tools like YouTube, Google Classroom et al. . the scholars understand the importance of continuous education. We are becoming about 70 per cent online attendance and going forward, we expect it to succeed in an equivalent attendance levels as we get during offline lectures,” said Dr. Anjum Padyal, professor , Department of education and Sports Sciences, Deshbandhu College, Delhi University.

A new name, Education 4.0, is here to remain , until another significant disruption in technology takes place.

India isn't new online education. Many private and government colleges within the country had been conducting online classes. Very small aperture terminals (VSATs) are still employed by top Business schools within the country to make a closed user group (CUGs), which offers online classes globally. However, COVID-19 has hastened the web education sector, and mobile networks became the well-liked platform.

Online education depends on several factors and robust connectivity is at the highest of that list. COVID-19 has led to a successful collaboration between telecom firms and streaming companies like Netflix and Youtube, in lowering the transmission bit rate from high definition to plain definition, which was done to take care of the network capacity. It made more bandwidth available for an outsized number of users. Going forward, learning app firms could work along side technology providers and telecom service providers to develop tools that make learning truly enjoyable. they might also explore providing students with real-time experience of managing chemicals and operating machines. All this is often only possible with optimum utilisation of network capacity.

To ensure that learning never stops, teachers are preparing lessons using distance learning tools, and fogeys are learning new teaching techniques reception .

As the Covid-19 infections rise in India, there's justified pressure to stay universities closed. Online teaching are some things many institutions are contemplating, but do the Indian students have the network bandwidth for online learning? during this post, Abhiroop Mukhopadhyay argues that internet access reception is pitifully low in India, with ‘day scholar’ students, particularly those whose households belong to rural India, having the worst home internet access problems. Online teaching is therefore a non-starter for many institutes.

The fear of Covid-19 outbreak has pack up schools and universities in India. Online teaching are some things many institutions are contemplating, but do the Indian students have the bandwidth for online learning? Preliminary data analysis indicates that online teaching may be a non-starter for many students and institutions in India! 

‘Don’t worry, Zoom into their lives with online classes!’ This has been the war cry of the many a university during the present lockdown. Most Deans look hopefully at a web solution to the unexpected advent of Covid-19. The thought that nags all is that while it might be fairly easy to attach to at least one set of scholars , reaching others through the web would be tough. Then, not only would pedagogy be compromised, but the inequity in terms of what one can deliver to students becomes glaring: a digital divide that's evident in teaching resources that a student has access to. that a lot of public institutions haven't even tried the web option point to such problems is becoming a source of real worry to administrators. 

The matter isn't so clear cut: while inequality of access to anything is ubiquitous in India, most students who reach tertiary institutions in India are likely to be a specific group of individuals , often the foremost privileged among their respective social groups. Perhaps it's possible to succeed in these students through the web . But what are the facts? 

Globally, while some countries like Norway, Denmark, Poland and France have reopened schools, it's a significantly altered reality. Closed playgrounds, spacing of desks in classrooms to permit for six-feet distance, temperature checks of scholars at the doorway and masks during all times are constant reminders to children of the prevailing uncertainty.

We identify the simplest technology which will be applied to your requirements. Designing an eLearning solution may be a process that takes patience, experience and communication. our educational design experts work closely with you to know your specific needs. After we clearly understand your objectives, we create a strategic plan needed for many effective communication. Modules are designed after pin-pointing the training needs.

Along with several researchers, i'm engaging with families across the country who are sharing stories about how they're supporting their children with education needs while schools are closed.










The COVID-19 pandemic has severely impacted the education sector, accelerating the shift to digital-learning models as educational institutes remain closed the wake of the virus outbreak.

While other sectors are now browsing an 'unlock' and restart of activity, schools, colleges and universities might be amongst the last to return to 'normalcy'. it's likely, they'll never return completely. from TET HTAT GURU INFO
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