Saturday, October 17, 2020

Matter of ensuring home learning for students (swoD) who do not have any type of digital device available

 Matter of ensuring home learning for students (swoD) who do not have any type of digital device available.

On the above subject, it should be mentioned that in every school in your district, home learning should be ensured for such children keeping in view the devices used by the children under home learning. For students who do not have a single type of digital device available, the School Wise-Student Wise Continuing Learning Plan (CLP) under Home Learning should be ensured as per the guidelines attached herewith. All the principals of the schools under your jurisdiction are requested to give necessary instructions in this regard. In this regard, your district's E.I. / A.D.I. TPEO / K.N. / B.R.C. / C.R.C. Will have to be monitored through. The upcoming V.C. In the meantime, the work done in this regard will be reviewed.

Current Initiatives for Continuing Learning of Students Without Devices:

Textbooks: Textbooks have already been provided by the state for all students. The school must ensure that every child in each class has a complete set of textbooks available at home.

Telephonic Contact: Every day every teacher should contact students and parents by telephone (wherever students / parents have phone) and provide necessary guidance and educational support. 

Unit Test (PAT): The school should ensure that all students have reached the answer booklet for the unit test (PAT). Teachers should pay special attention to ensure that students without devices have received the paper for the Unit Test (PAT) on time and passed the examination. The headmaster / principal should ensure that the teachers have provided feedback and guidance to all the students based on the performance of the unit test (PAT) and have updated the education plan for each of these students.

• Learn at Home Worksheets: GCERT Practice worksheets are given to students of Std. 1 to 8 in Hardcopy. Schools should ensure that these worksheets reach every student on time and provide them with the necessary guidance and assistance. The district / B.R.C. Should be followed up and monitored for distribution.

4. Additional Interventions for Students Without Devices (swoD): Each school should constantly update monitoring for the availability and use of devices for each student's online / digital learning. The school should have a continuous learning plan for each child. It is the responsibility of the concerned school to ensure that no student enrolled in the school is deprived of education regardless of the use or non-use of the equipment. Teachers need to create separate learning plans for each child without the use of digital learning devices. Device mapping and SMC to facilitate tracking and learning for students without devices. / SMDC Based on consultation with members, the school may plan the following.

1. Mohalla (Faliya) Education: Teachers can interact with parents / guardians, older siblings or volunteers and provide guidance to help children learn. The school can enlist the help of a child friend to visit nearby villages / residences and organize classes for students without equipment by following the government guidelines. • Schools can enlist the help of NYKs / NCC / NSS volunteers living in the respective villages / residences to assist students in learning.

2. Pairing Students Without Devices and Devices: The school may identify children with TVs, mobiles and other gadgets and try to pair them with children without devices to conduct online classes.

3. Mobile Bank: The school can consult with SMC / SMDC to create a mobile bank in which community members can donate their old smart phones. These phones can then be distributed to students without devices.

4. Each One • Teach One: • Head Teacher / Principal S.M.C. / SMDC And explore the possibility of a community education program in consultation with the gram panchayat. Programs such as E-One Teach-One provide educational assistance to students without devices i.e. one person teaches another person.

from Aapanu Gujarat :: An Official Website
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