Wednesday, December 16, 2020

PGVCL Vidyut Sahayak Recruitment 2020

PGVCL Vidyut Sahayak Recruitment 2020

PGVCL Vidyut Sahayak Recruitment 2020 Apply Online : PGVCL Vidyut Sahayak Recruitment 2020: Paschim Gujarat Vij Company Limited has Invites Application for the post of vidyut sahayak (Junior Engineer Civil) under PGVCL Form the Eligible Candidates.

It is a good opportunity for all the interested candidates who are looking for jobs in PGVCL. For more information related to Educational Qualification, Age Criteria, Selection Mode, Important Date and other Eligibility process please read the below article carefully. Also must read the official advertisement in detail before applying.

Post: Vidyut Sahayak (Junior Engineer Civil) 06

Salary: 1st year Rs.37,000/- & 2nd To 5th year Rs.39,000/-

Education Qualification: Vidyut Sahayak (Junior Engineer Civil) Full time B.E. (Civil) / B.Tech (Civil) in regular mode from recognized University duly approved by UGC /AICTE with minimum 55% in 7th & 8th semesters without ATKT.

Required Skill: The candidate should possess knowledge of Computer- Operations. & Good command over English and Gujarati Language.

Age Limit: For Unreserved Category : 35 years and

FOr Reserved Category (ST/SEBC): 40 years on the date of advertisement. (03.12.2020)

Age Relaxation: As Per Rules, For More Detail Please Read Official Advertisement.

Application Fees: Rs.500.00 for UR& SEBC candidates &

Rs.250.00 for ST candidates (including GST) :

If PWD (Persons with Disability) candidate belongs to ST category and fulfills the criteria, fees payable shall be Rs.250/-

Candidate has to pay application fees On-line through Credit Card / Debit Card / Net Banking.

Bank charges shall be borne by candidate.

Application fee once paid shall not be refunded or shall not be adjusted in any subsequent Recruitment Process, under any circumstances.

No other mode of payment i.e., Demand Draft, Money Order, Postal Order, Cheque etc. is acceptable.
Selection Process:

The candidates shortlisted for written / online test on basis of their “on line applications” shall not be required to submit photocopies of all the relevant certificate at present. The photocopies of all the relevant certificates shall be submitted as and when required and subsequently, the original certificates for verification as and when required.

How To Apply: Interested Candidates may Apply Online Through official Website.

from Aapanu Gujarat :: An Official Website
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