Thursday, March 18, 2021

Online Education Daily Home Learning video 19 March 2021 std 1 to 12

 Online Education Daily Home Learning video 19 March 2021 std 1 to 12

The whole educational system from elementary to tertiary level has been collapsed during the lockdown period of the novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) not only in India but across the world . This study may be a portrayal of online teaching-learning modes adopted by the Mizoram University for the teaching-learning process and subsequent semester examinations. it's forward to an intellectually enriched opportunity for further future academic decision-making during any adversity. The intended purpose of this paper seeks to deal with the specified essentialities of online teaching-learning in education amid the COVID-19 pandemic and the way can existing resources of educational institutions effectively transform formal education into online education with the assistance of virtual classes and other pivotal online tools during this continually shifting educational landscape. 

The paper employs both quantitative and qualitative approach to review the perceptions of teachers and students on online teaching-learning modes and also highlighted the implementation process of online teaching-learning modes. the worth of this paper is to draw a holistic picture of ongoing online teaching-learning activities during the lockdown period including establishing the linkage between change management process and online teaching-learning process in education system amid the COVID-19 outbreak so on overcome the persisting academic disturbance and consequently make sure the resumption of educational activities and discourses as a traditional course of procedure within the education system.

The COVID-19 may be a highly communicable disease or illness caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), originated in Wuhan city of China, has already taken on pandemic proportions, affecting across all the continents (Remuzzi & Remuzzi, 2020), mostly spread among individuals during close contact now leading to many death. COVID-19 is referred as pandemic thanks to its severity and fierceness also because the greatest global health crisis since after centuries in human civilization. The onset of the novel coronavirus made everything from world economies to social rituals (Schulten, 2020) devastated. For that reason, the International Labour Organization (ILO) estimated that 195 million jobs might be lost (UNDP, 2020). one among the foremost preferred ways to subdue the effect of this crisis is to enact the COVID-19 containment measures in their respective territories (De Brouwer, Raimondi & Moreau, 2020). Nowadays lockdown may be a common buzzword that has been pondered by the people during corona pandemic. In fact, lockdown may be a state of the emergency protocol implemented by the competent authorities (in this case it's central and state governments) to limit people from leaving their place of living leading to mass quarantines and stay-at-home across the planet since March 2020. The coronavirus triggered the primary phase nationwide lockdown in India which began on Annunciation , 2020, for 21 days and subsequently repeated on April 15, 2020, for 19 days because the second phase; on May 04, 2020, for 14 days because the third phase; on May 18, 2020, for 14 days because the fourth phase and on June 01, 2020, just for containment zones taking 16 days. to urge control over COVID-19 pandemic is feasible to a greater extent with people's unbridled determination of the stringent precautionary measures like maintaining social distancing, following medically instructed quarantine process and embracing hygiene and sanitation 

The countrywide lockdown to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19), entwined with health and safety concerns, has brutally disrupted India’s economy.

The economic consequences of the pandemic also as local lockdowns are well-discussed and have surfaced within the gross domestic product and industrial production numbers. But there's another side to the ramifications: the shortage of skillful imparting of education may translate into an economic adversity over time.


India’s gross enrollment ratio in education was a mere 27.4 per cent for 2017-18, consistent with the All India Survey on education (AISHE). this is often not great news compared to other developing countries. things might be further battered by the possible decline in enrollment thanks to limited access to online education.

There are a couple of details that require to be addressed in such a scenario: Is online education viable? Will our ‘future of the nation’ contribute to the human capital and participate in reviving the economy?

The internet and digital infrastructure with a big penetration may be a boon for education. The Pradhan Mantri e-Vidya Programme was launched in May to amplify the efforts for a far better shift online. from TET HTAT GURU INFO
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