Thursday, August 12, 2021

Gujarat All Temples Live Darshan ,Live Darshan,Temple live Darshan

Gujarat All Temples Live Darshan ,Live Darshan,Temple live Darshan

With the daily count of coronavirus cases across India climbing again, there are several travel restrictions in place and many people are finding it tough to comply with too many regulations. Also, the fear that they could contact COVID-19 and be forced into a quarantine facility far away from home seems a deterring prospect to many who are otherwise eager to go and perform pooja and darshan in person at holy temple sites.We bring you here the online darshan and Pooja aarti (prayer) links and details of 5 popular temples that you can click on to either enjoy a live darshan or book a pooja online.

નોંધ: મંદિર દ્વારા YouTube Channel પર લાઈવ દર્શન વીડિયો મુકેલ હશે તો જ આપ જોઈ શકશો.....

સોમનાથ મંદિર લાઇવ દર્શન : Click Here

સાળંગપુર કષ્ટભંજન દેવ LIVE દર્શન : Click Here

દવારકાધીશ મંદિર LIVE દર્શન : Click Here

ડાકોર મંદિર લાઇવ દર્શન :Click Here

શીરડી સાંઈબાબા મંદિર લાઈવ દર્શન : Click Here

જલારામ-વીરપુર મંદિર લાઇવ દર્શન :Click Here

શામળાજી મંદિર લાઈવ દર્શન:Click Here

અંબાજી મંદિર લાઈવ દર્શન :Click Here

from Aapanu Gujarat :: An Official Website
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