Important letter for information about the planning of Kala Utsav-2021 online
Regarding the planning of Kala Utsav-2021 (online). Reference: (1) Guideline of Kala Utsav-2011 (2) Date of NCERT. E-mail letter dated 6.3.21 and dated 12.5.21 (2) Note: With the approval of Hon'ble SPD, regarding the above subject and reference, to state that the guideline regarding the planning of Kala Utsav 2021 by NCERT has been received by e-mail. According to which an art festival has to be organized. You are well aware that last year due to the epidemic of Kovid-12, the district, zone and state level art festival was organized in online mode on the basis of pre-recorded performances while the national level art festival was organized by the state level by inviting the winning contestants at Gandhinagar. The performance was organized online via the internet in live mode. Given the current state of the Kovid-12 epidemic and the social gap, the NCERT has decided to hold a national level art festival this year in "on-line mode". Instructions have been given through video conference regarding the planning of district, state and national level art festivals and national level art festivals from 1.1.203. 13. It will be organized through online mode during 1.305. Entries for the same should be sent to NCERT, New Delhi by December 10, 2021. Considering the above matters, for the last two years, the art festival is being organized at district, zone and state level in M8 phases. Accordingly, action has to be taken at all the relevant levels. The entire planning of Kala Utsav - 2021-2 has to be done on the basis of the guideline (soft copy included) received from NCERT, New Delhi for which the districts are asked to organize the district level, zonal, state level Kala Utsav based on the following guidelines. is coming . F: \ 2021 \ KALA UTSAV 2021 NODH LETTER.docx Page 14
Kala Utsav - 2021-2: The main objective of Kala Utsav is to recognize the art talents of the students of primary, secondary and higher secondary departments, encourage them and increase the importance of their art. The main focus of Kala Utsav 2021 will be folk, traditional and classical art form of any style. Kala Utsav 2021 is an attempt to incorporate the concept of a new education policy to create a proper platform for identifying, exchanging and experiencing the diverse cultural heritage of the country. Students of IX, X, XI & XII standard (Std. 9 to Std. 12) of any government, government grant-in-aid and private (non-granted) school will be able to participate in Kala Utsav 2071. The following various forms will be included in these contests. In order for schools to participate in Kala Utsav-2021, all government, grant aided in secondary and higher secondary schools of the district, KGBV, RMSA schools, model schools and model day schools will have to be notified from your level. The following art forms (categories) are included in Kala Utsav 2071. Areas of Art Festival: (1) Vocal Music Classical (2) Vocal Music Traditional (4) Instrumental Music Classical (4) Instrumental Music ) Traditional (2) Dance (Classical) (4) Dance (Folk Dance) (4) Visual Arts (Dimensional) (4) Visual Arts (Dimensional) (4) Indigenous Toys and ૨ Votes Art Festival: Category, Section wise Details: Cum Category Section Admission Details 1 Vocal Music 1 Kumar and 1 Girl Member Indian or South Indian Classical Vocal Music 1 Kumar and 1 Girl Member Any dialect or role Traditional (traditional style) 3 ana siold (Instrumental Music) 1 Kumar and 1 female member Indian or South Indian classical qua olla (Instrumental Music) 1 Kumar and 1 female member Any Indian traditional musical instrument Traditional ( Traditional style) 2 Dance Classical 1 Kumar a 1 female member 2 Dance (folk style) 1 Kumar and 1 female member Traditional folk dance of any state Visual Arts (Dimensional) (2 D) 1 Kumar and 1 female member Drawing, painting or imprint | Visual Arts (Three Dimensional) (3D) 1 Boy and 1 Girl Member Sculpture (Death) Desi Toys and Games 1 Boy and 1 Girl Member Traditional Toys and Games Let's do it. In which 12 classes of students from government, government granted and private (non-granted) schools of the district are participating. (Including children with disabilities) F: \ 2021KALA UTSAV, 2021 \ NODH LETTER - Fdocx Page 15
Phase of planning of Kala Utsav 2071: (1) First Phase - District Level Competition (Entry Competitors Entering District Level Competition) (2) Second Phase - Zone Level Competition (Winner Competition of District Level Competition) Level Competition (Zonal Level Competition Winner / Contestant) The winners at the state level have to be sent to the school as per the plan to participate in the National Level Online Art Festival. This year, from district level to state level, offline mode and national level art festival is to be done in online mode, the implementation of the art festival program is as follows. Implementation of the program: (1) Following the guideline (SOP) of KOVID-12, district level, zonal level and state level art festival will be conducted in off line mode. (4) To inform the member schools from the district level to send the entry of their competitors within the stipulated period to participate in the art festival of that level. To immediately inform all the government secondary schools, KGBV, Model Day School, Model School, Granted and Non Granted schools having Std. 9 to 12 in the above competitions through DEO / DPC. In addition, teachers can contact approximately 10 children / parents by phone to encourage their school children to participate in the above event. To help in this regard by contacting primary school teachers, BRC / CRC / BRP in rural schools. Education Inspector (EI) as the Nodal Officer for District and Zone Level Competition, DEO Office and Asi Co.O. Where there is secondary, he and the AD District Project Coordinator of the entire education office of that district will be jointly as the Sub-Nodal Officer of Quality Assessment and Monitoring (TT) which is not filled in the district. Education and Monitoring (TT). The following will be the committee for smooth implementation of the entire district / zone level competition. District Education Officer (Convener) • District Primary Education Officer • Principal, DIET • District Sports Officer Shri. Will have to. District OIC Competition District OIC QEM Vocal Music Classical (Vocal Music) Traditional (Traditional) District OIC IED Tiger Music (Instrumental Music) Classical (Instrumental Music) Traditional (Traditional) District OIC Gender Education Dance Classical Dance District Resource Person (AS) Visual Arts (Dimensional) Visual Arts (Three Dimensional) Indigenous Toys and ૨ Votes K 20 UA \ NODH LETTER Fdocx Page 26
Competition details and schedule level date e 9. o District Level 11 to 16 October 2021 s O. Is | Zone Level 5 to 21 October 2021 Event Category Vocal Music - (Classical) Vocal Music - (Traditional) Vadh Music - (Classical) Vadh Music - (Traditional) • Dance Music - (Classical) Dance Music - (Folk Dance) Visual Art ( 2 D) Visual Arts (3 D) Desi Toys & Games Vocal Music - (Classical) • Vocal Music - (Traditional) Vadh Music - (Classical) Vadh Music - (Traditional) ૃત Dance Music - (Classical) • Dance Music - ( Folk Dance) Visual Arts (2 D) Visual Arts (3 D) ી Desi (Local) Toys & Games Vocal Music - (Classical) Vocal Music - (Traditional) 0 Vadh Music - (Classical) Vadh Music - (Traditional) Dance Music - (Classical) Dance Music - (Folk Dance) Visual Arts (2 D) Visual Arts (3 D) ી Indigenous Toys & Sports O State Level ૨૫ 1 1/2021. 0 is 3/11/207 1. 9/11/2011 is S. ૩o / 11/2021 Q1 / 12/2021 F: \ 2021 \ KALA UTSAV 2021 \ NODH LETTER - F.docx Page 17
o Specialist / Jury for District Level Competition, Zonal Level Competition, and State Level Competition: There will be 2 expert jury out of which 1 member will be from DIET. The competition at each level will be as follows: રાખ Vocal Music Classical, Vocal Music Traditional ૩ Hire experts. Out of which 01 should be kept from expert diet. Instrumental Music for Classical and Instrumental Music for Traditional. Out of which 01 should be kept from expert diet. To have 3 experts for Dance Classical and Dance (Folk Dance). Out of which 01 should be kept from expert diet. To have 3 specialists for Visual Arts (2D) and Visual Arts (3D). In which to keep 1 expert drawing, 1 painting and 1 expert print. Out of which 01 should be kept from expert diet. રાખ Keep 4 experts for local toys and games. Out of which 01 expert should be kept from diet. . Form of competition: (1) District competition: • Organizing district level competition with offline mode. Organizing district level competition in one to nine areas mentioned above. District level competition should be organized by the district level from 11th to 16th October, 2021. In which 2 competitions can be organized in 1 day if possible. Or it can be organized in two sessions for different events. - Arranging in consultation. For all the district level competitions, from all the blocks of the district, for 3 competitions, according to one boy and one girl, entry date. Order by October 2, 2071. In order to try to get entry from all the categories, for all the district level competitions till October 06, 2021, the OICO assigned by the OICO to check the competition of the district based on the singing of the art festival. કરવી To work by getting technical cooperation of District MIS and Block MIS for verification of entry at all levels and other technical cooperation. To inform the contestant of valid entry for district level competition one hour before the date, time and place allotted for their competition to reach with the required equipment and materials through BRC / CRC and school by October 05, 2021. To complete the district level competition in time. કરવી To select one boy and one girl who will come first in each category in the nine competitions organized at the district level for the zone level competition. To make video recordings of all the competitions at the district level and to send the video recordings of the contestants selected for the zone level from those video recordings to the zone level art-festival planned district. It is necessary to have 3 judges for each department at the district level. પૂર્ણ Completed all the district level competitions from 11th to 15th October, 2031 and the result to the District Education Officer of the concerned zone and to the State Project Office, Samagra Shiksha, Sector-12, Gandhinagar F: \ 2021 \ KALA UTSAV 2021 \ NODH LETTER Fdock Page 18
. E-mail should be sent to and by 16.10.21. As well as the State Project Office, the entire Education Office will have to send only the overall sheet of the competition accounts. And the savings will have to be returned. By keeping the original file at the district level, which will have to be audited at that time. (2) Zonal level competition The list of 1 male and 1 female contestant who has won in the district level competition which the district has to send to the district organized the zonal level art festival. And report it to the contestant through BRC / CRC and school. Reporting should be done by 12.10.21. And the list should also be sent to the state. • Zone level competitions are shown from 7.10.51 onwards. To be held in that zone during 31.10.21. Which will be in offline mode. • The zonal level convener will have to select the venue for the zonal level competition and inform the state level by 6.10.51. At the zonal level, there should be at least 3 judges for all the competitions in each section. According to which all these judges have been selected and the information has to be sent to the state level by 6.10.21. • The zonal level convener will be able to get the cooperation from the office of the co-convener district education officer if necessary for the zonal level competition. The list of 1 boy and 1 girl contestant who have completed all the zone level competitions on the dates indicated for the zonal level competition should be sent to the state level and to the planned district of the state level art festival by 05.11.2091. Which will be reported from here. કરવું To make video recording of all the zone level competitions and to send the recordings of the contestants selected for the state level from those recordings to the state level art-festival planned district. (2) State Level Competition: State Level Competition will be held from 9/11/2001 to 01, 15.2011 for the first selected winners from the boys and girls category in nine sections from 9 zonal level. According to which the place will be reported from here. The winner of the zonal level competition, 1 male and 1 female contestant should be reported through the concerned BRC / CRC and the school by 7.11.2021. યાદી After completing all the state level competitions on the dates indicated for the state level competition, prepare a list of 1 male and 1 female contestant and inform the contestant through the district. કરવું To record all the competitions of the state level and from that recording the recordings of the contestants selected for the national level have been prepared for the national level art festival and its entry has been made on the date of NCERT. Will be sending from here by December 10, 2021. (2) National Level Competition: This competition will be held in Delhi from January 1 to 12, 205 in online mode. According to the above details, English and Hindi guide songs (soft copy) of Kala Utsav-2021 are also sent to the districts for study and guidance for the purpose of planning and implementation of National Level Kala Utsav from the district level. Properly planned. And based on this guideline, necessary details Annexure-1: Details of the competition and schedule and Annexure-2: General instructions regarding the planning of the art festival are also sent along with this. O F: \ 2021 \ KALA UTSAV 2021 \ NODH LETTER - F.docx Page 19
6 Annexure-2: General instructions regarding the planning of the art festival The general instructions and guideline of the art festival should be sent to the districts as follows and planning should be done at the district, zone and state level accordingly. > General Guidelines / Instructions for the Competition (Event): Special Note: District, Zone and State Level Art Festival In the present circumstances, the competitor has to perform in the off-line mode (real) at the venue of the competition. Of course, considering the epidemic of Kovid-12. The district level competition will have to be recorded. And it has to be sent to that district within the time limit given by the state level as pre-recorded and pre-recorded of zone level competition. This means that to participate in all the events, the performance of the medal will have to be recorded live. Under no circumstances will an edited modified work be considered valid. For this, the concerned co-nodal, nodal officer should conduct the necessary verification and also evaluate by verifying the need. To do this, to consult the members of the district level committee in this regard. Special Note: All events will be single (soL0). (1) Vocal Music (SOLO): (1) Vocal Music Classical (2) Vocal Music Traditional: The duration for presentation will be 2-3 minutes. • Costumes, settings, pops and items should be related to equipment presentation. Any student / teacher will be able to play the instrument together with the main participant. અને Commercial and commercial tracks are not allowed. Evaluation Sheet: Vocal Music (Singing) - Classical Music (Single): Creative Manual of Words of Style Sur Tal Song Honest pronunciation ૨ Presentation according to Chanatmak Style Performance ): Stage Decoration of Style Rhythm Dialects Overall Total Marks Honesty, Pronunciation Quality Presentation of Materials Style Usage ) Instrumental Music Traditional: The duration of the presentation will be 2-3 minutes. Costumes, settings, clothing and accessories should be relevant. Supporting musical instruments can be played by teachers / students. માટે For traditional folk music, only country musical instruments will be allowed. Electronic / programmed musical instruments will not be allowed. Overall total marks 10 1 100p. 13. F2021 \ KALA UTSAV_2021 NODI LETTER F.docx Page 23
There are 19 of the 300 materials. Evaluation Sheet: Instrumental Music - Classical Music (Single): Rhythm of the tiger according to the rules of the genre Creative Absolute Total Marks Honesty, Sur Quality Presentation Sur (Creative) Stage Decoration Perfect Total Marks Honesty / Quality Costume Presentation Style Quality | Use 10 ૨0 ૨ 10 10 12 100 (2) (SOLO): (1) Dance Classical (2) Dance (Folk dance) • Period for presentation will be 2-3 minutes. ભારત Classical dance presentation style will include Bharat Natyam, Chuun, Kathak, Sattaria, Kuchipudi, Odyssey, Mohiniattam, Kathakali and Manipuri series. Dance rendition can be any classical type of traditional folk / contemporary. Auxiliary music can be used live or recorded. Tha State / Union Territory shall be done. Evaluation Sheet: Dance-Classical (Solo): Style Consideration Expressed Music Creativity Makeup Costume Total Honesty (Deliberation) (How Price) (Costume) Full Style Presentation Marks 19 12 1 ૫ 12 10 12 100 Evaluation Sheet: Dance-Traditional (Traditional) : Style Consideration Expressed Music Creativity Makeup Costume Honesty (Dilbration) | (How Price) Absolute Total (Costume) Style Presentation Marks 10 12 19 | 100 (2) Visual Arts and Desi (Local) Toys and ૨ Opinions: (1) Visual Arts (Dimensional-2D) (2) Visual Arts (Dimensional-3D) (4) Desi (Local) Toys and Games General Instructions: In visual art (two-dimensional) any artwork with which the word painting is attached will be considered as two-dimensional artwork. ઉપયોગ The use of environmentally friendly materials is essential in three-dimensional (visual art work-3D) sculpture. 40 10 40 15 1 ૫ 10 10 F \ 20211 KALA UTSAV 2021 \ NODH LETTER - F.docx Page 24
e o s Participants are expected to complete the artwork during the National Level Competition starting at the venue within the stipulated time limit. In the art competition (Visual Art Work-2D, Visual Art Work-3D and Desi Toys) they will be given 3 days to complete their work and artwork. Competitor will be able to complete the task in 1 day. • The nodal officer is expected to upload the final artwork prepared on the second day of the competition on the website. Participants will be free to use any content medium of their choice. Participants must be available for online interaction with the jury. The jury will continue to monitor the participants' work online and communicate with them both days. Art materials can be arranged by a state official. Visual Art Work-2D Visual, Art Work-3D and desi toy size can be decided according to individual requirement. The contestant chooses a work or figure so that it can be completed in 7 days. સ્પર્ Competitors who make desi toys are expected to focus on the functional accuracy of the desi toy and its original design. • The following details of the toy may be relevant. (1) Agricultural tools and equipment (2) The story (characters) of Panchatantra, Jatak Katha - stories, folk tales that help in the growth of moral values. સામગ્રી The materials used to make the toys must be the same as the reproduction of the original toy. If materials originally used in the toy are not available or prohibited, the participant (competitor) may use locally available eco-friendly materials. Request the nodal officer to record with them all the construction process and make it available to them so that the jury or planner can make it available to anyone in need. Evaluation Sheet: Visual Arts (Dimensional – 2D): Style ૨ Originality Purity Technique Presentation Total Subtlety Shade ૫ Description Marks 10 10 12 ૨ 0 100 Evaluation Sheet: Visual Arts Marks Utility Details Imprint Description 15 20 100 Evaluation Sheet: Local Toys and Game Experience Utility, Originality / Contextual Purity, Technique Overall Presentation 15 1000 100 Note: Respect for promoting local toys and games. The Prime Minister has made a special statement in the "Mann Ki Baat" program which is requested to be taken into consideration (including local toys, puppets / puppets etc.) Special Note: The above Gujarati guidelines are given for convenience. / Guidelines (Hindi and English) which are available on NCERT's website
મહત્વપૂર્ણ લિંક
કલા ઉત્સવ –૨૦૨૧ નો લેટર વાંચવા માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો
કલા ઉત્સવ –૨૦૨૧ ગાઈડ લાઈન જોવા માટે અહીં ક્લિક કર
કલા ઉત્સવ –૨૦૨૧ નો લેટર વાંચવા માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો
કલા ઉત્સવ –૨૦૨૧ ગાઈડ લાઈન જોવા માટે અહીં ક્લિક કર
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