Friday, July 6, 2018

Dena Bank, Mehsana Recruitment for FLC Posts 2018

Dena Bank, Mehsana has published Advertisement for below mentioned Posts 2018. Other details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process, application fee and how to apply are given below.

Posts: Financial Literacy Counsellor (FLC)

Total No. of Posts: 01

Educational Qualification: i) A graduate degree from recognized University. Preference will be given to having post graduate degree in the area of Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Sociology, Psychology and Social work. ii) Should be well conversant with the local language. iii) Should possess a flair for teaching and computer knowledge.

Age Limit: Maximum age at the time of appointment on contract should not be more than 65 years subject to good health.

Remuneration: A Consolidated remuneration of Rs.20000/- including HA/TA (conveyance expenses) will be paid for hiring services of counselors for each completed calendar month
of which Rs. 5000/- per month will be as HA/TA (conveyance expenses for conducting Financial Literacy Camps) subject to the condition that minimum 15 days have to be spent in conducting Financial literacy camp at villages in the district. Failing which conveyance expenses @ Rs. 200/- per day for actual numbers of days visit villages for conducting F L camps will be paid. In this case,monthly remuneration of FL counsellors will be Rs 15000/- + Rs 200/ day for actual camps.
FLC Counselor has to submit monthly visit diary of Financial Literacy Camps to the Lead Bank Manager (LDM). Subsequently, LDM should submit the monthly report to the Zonal Manager every month before payment of monthly remuneration. Zonal Office will release the amount of monthly remuneration on verification of monthly visit diary of FLCCs. For a service period of less than one month, the payment will be made on a pro-rata basis. Statutory tax deductions to be done as applicable by the paying authority.

Application Fees:
General & OBC category Rs. 400/-
Reserved category (SC,ST,PH) Rs. 50/-

The application fee will be by way of Demand draft in favour of Dena bank Zonal Office Mehsana.

Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on an interview.

How to Apply: Eligible candidates may send their application & necessary documents to given address in the advertisement.

Last Date: 16-07-2018

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