Thursday, July 26, 2018

GPSC Updates on 26-07-2018

GPSC Updates on 26-07-2018

List of Eligible Candidates for Interview, Advt No. 50/2017-18,Lecturer, Samhita Siddhant, Class-2

Detailed Interview Programme of Advt. No. 37/2017-18, Assistant Engineer (Civil), Class-2

Fourth List of Eligible Candidates for Application Scrutiny Advt No. 62/2016-17, Senior Superintendent, Class-2

List of Eligible Candidates for Interview, Advt No. 29/2017-18, Lecturer (Senior Scale) [Reader] Kaumarbhritya, Class-1

List of Eligible Candidates for Interview, Advt No. 26/2017-18, Lecturer (Senior Scale) [Reader] Prasuti & Striroga, Class-1

List of Eligible Candidates for Interview, Advt. No 28/2017-18, Lecturer (Senior Scale) [Reader] Shalya Tantra, Class-1

List of Eligible Candidates for Interview, Advt. No 30/2017-18, Lecturer, (Senior Scale) [Reader (Ayurved)], Kaya Chikitsa, Class-1

List of Eligible Candidates for Interview, Advt. No 23/2017-18, Lecturer (Senior Scale) [Reader (Ayurved)], Rognidan & Vikrit Nidan, Class-1

List of Eligible Candidates for Interview, Advt No. 21/2017-18, Lecturer (Senior Scale) [Reader (Ayurved)], Dravyagun, Class-1

List of Eligible Candidates for Interview, Advt No. 18/2017-18, Lecturer (Senior Scale) [Reader (Ayurved)], Rachna Sharir, Class-1

List of Eligible Candidates for Interview, Advt. No 25/2017-18, Lecturer, (Senior Scale), [Reader] Aadtantra & Vidhi Ayruved, Class-1

List of Eligible Candidates for Interview, Advt. No 27/2017-18, Lecturer, (Senior Scale), [Reader] Shalakya Tantra, Class-1

Post revised of Deputy Director, Scheduled Caste Welfare, Class-1 in Advt. No. 40/2018-19

Final Answer Key, Advt No. 17/2017-18, Final Answer Key, Lecturer (Senior Scale), (Reader (Ayurveda)), Samhita Siddhant, Class-1

Detailed Interview Schedule of Advt No. 53/2016-17, Programme Officer, Class-1

Detailed Interview Programme for Advt No 47/2016-17,Scientific Officer (Biology), Class-2, Director of Forensic Science, Home Department

from Aapanu Gujarat :: An Official Website
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