GPSC Updates on 26-07-2018
Updated Calendar for the Examinations conducted/to be conducted during the year 2018-19 as on 27/05/2018
Updated Advertisement Calendar for the Advertisements published/to be published during the year 2018-19 as on 27/07/2018
List of Eligible Candidates for Interview, Advt No. 59/2017-18, Lecturer, Kaumarbhritya, Class-2
Final Result of Advt. No. 52/2016-17, Assistant Director, (Training), / Principal, Class-1
Final Result of Advt. No. 42/2017-18, Joint Technical Advisor (Precision Instruments), Class-1, Industries and Mines Department
Important Instruction regarding Shorthand Test, Advt No.122/2016-17, Private Secretary (English Stenographer, Grade-1), (Special Recruitment-Schedule Tribe) State Services, Class-2
Result of Interview, Advt. No. 6/2017-18, Lecturer (Selection Scale) (Professor), Rasa Shastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, Class-1
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