Thursday, August 23, 2018

National Innovation Foundation-India (NIF) invites applications from highly motivated professionals for various positions. Highly motivated, initiative-driven and performance-oriented candidates may apply for the following posts.

National Innovation Foundation-India (NIF) invites applications from highly motivated professionals for various positions. Highly motivated, initiative-driven and performance-oriented candidates may apply for the following posts.

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) : One position
Person should have Master's Degree in Management / Engineering / Science with five years' experience in incubation of innovative technologies.

Manager : Two positions
Person should have Master's Degree in Management/Engineering/Science /Communication with two years' experience in research and incubation of innovative technologies.

Research Associates / Fellows : Ten positions
Person should have Master's degree in Management /engineering /Communication/ Science.

Experience in technology incubation, setting up Start-Ups, mobilizing funds from different schemes of public and private sector will be given preference for all positions.

Emolument: Up to Rs. 100,000/- for the position of CEO, Rs 60,000/- for the position of Managers/ Fellows and Rs 30,000/- for the position of Research Associates.

Age: Not exceeding 45 years for the position of CEO and 35 years for the post of Managers/Fellows and Research Associates.

Tenure: All positions are contractual initially for three years.

Candidates can submit their applications, along with updated resume, two reference letters and a note explaining the suitability for the post applied through E-mail at or to The Director, National Innovation Foundation - India, Grambharti, Amrapur, Gandhinagar Mahudi Roard, Gandhinagar, Gujarat-382650, India by speed / registered post. The last date of submission of application is 6th September, 2018.

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