Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Register For NAMO Tablet Yojana (Specification) At Rs 1000 For Gujarat Students @Digitelgujarat.Gov.In Year 2018-19

Full form of Namo tablet is New Avenues of Modern Education through Tablets. The NAMO tablet Yojana is a scheme which is aimed towards giving students tablets at subsidized rates of rs 1000. NAMO or is aimed towards the college students especially.

Key features of the scheme
The poor and the middle class section of the households will get the tablets so that they are able to better aid their higher studies. Hence students of this category shall receive the benefit.
The scheme will ensure that the students are better accustomed to technology and that they are able to use these tools to aid their educational purposes.
You have to pay Rs. 1000 at the time of admission to the college to obtain the tablet. It is a token price and is one of the cheapest rates at which this device is made available.
Eligibility criteria for Namo Tablet Yojana
This scheme is for those students whose household income is up to 1, 00,000 per year. This means that your total annual household income should be within this range.
It is also for those students who are in 12th, or those who have currently taken admission in colleges for further studies or those are enrolled in post graduation courses.
To register for this scheme you will have to contact your colleges. All the information regarding this scheme can be obtained from the respective colleges.
To get more details about this scheme you can also visit this website – which is the official website of the Gujarat government.
When you are at the institute the following shall take place to ensure you enroll for the scheme –
The institute will provide the details of the eligible candidates on the portal. They will have to login on this portal via their unique institute ID and put your details like name, category, course, etc. in it.
After that they will enter the board and the seat number which belongs to you. For the new registrants there is one step more.
They will have to deposit the money (Rs. 1000) to the head of the institute. The head will generate a receipt against this payment. The receipt number and date will then have to be entered into the portal by the authority.
At this point your registration process shall be complete and if you are a new registrant you will get details to login to the portal. To add more students to the portal the Institute will have to go ‘Add New Student’ tab and continue with the process.
This scheme will help the underprivileged meritorious students get accustomed to technology so that they can accustom themselves to the changing demands of the employment industry. This way they can also better equip themselves when it comes to education. The tablet is available at a token price of Rs. 1000 and no extra charge is needed at any further stage in the obtaining process.

read Official latter

from Yash Dodiya:: official Website
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