GPSC Updates on 24-10-2018
Syllabus for, Associate Professor / Reader (Physiology including Biochemistry), Class-1 in Homoeopathy College, Advt No.60/2018-19
Syllabus for, Associate Professor / Reader (Pathology and Microbiology), Class-1 in Homoeopathy College, Advt No.59/2018-19
Final Result of Advt No.67/2015-16, Lecturer, Applied Mechanics, Class-2
Syllabus for, Research Officer, General State Service, Narmada, Water Resources, Water Supply & Kalpasar Department Class-1, Advertisement No:-77/2018-19
Syllabus for, Assistant Research Officer, Class-2, Advertisement No:-78/2018-19
Detailed Interview Programme of Advt No. 39/2017-18, Gujarat Engineering Service, Class-1 and Class-2
To View Provisional key (Prelim) of Advt. No. 40/2018-19 Gujarat Administrative Service, Class-1, Gujarat Civil Services, Class-1 and Class-2 and Gujarat Municipal Chief Officer Service, Class-2
Interview Schedule of Advt No.51, 52, 53, 57, 58, 60, 62, 63/2017-18 & 22/2018-19
Interview Schedule of Advt No. 39/2017-18, Gujarat Engineering Service, Class-1 and Class-2,
Revised List of Ineligible Candidates for Interview, Advt No. 58/2016-17, Women and Child Officer, Class-1, Women and Child Development Department, Class-1
Important Notice regarding offline confirmation of application those who have applied online for Advt. No. 55/2018-19, Deputy Section Officer / Deputy Mamlatdar, Class-3 and other Advts of GPSC whose call letter generation has not yet started
To view your OMR for Advertisement No. 40/2018-19, Gujarat Administrative Service, Class-1, Gujarat Civil Service Class-1&2 and Gujarat Municipal Chief Officer Service, Class-2, Preliminary Test held on 21/10/2018
Instructive Specimen (Model OMR) for the GPSC Examination
Detailed Interview Schedule of Advt. No. 124/2016-17 District Youth Development Officer, Class-2
Syllabus of Advt. No. 79/2018-19 Assistant Engineer (Civil), Class-2, Roads and Building Department
Syllabus of Advt. No. 62/2018-19 Associate Professor / Reader (Forensic Medicine and Toxicology), Class-1 in Homoeopathy College
Syllabus of Advt. No. 58/2018-19 Associate Professor / Reader (Organon of Medicine), Class-1 in Homoeopathy College
Syllabus of Advt. No. 57/2018-19 Associate Professor / Reader (Homoeopathy, Pharmacy), Class-1 in Homoeopathy College
Syllabus of Advt. No. 56/2018-19 Associate Professor / Reader (Homoeopathic Materia Medica), Class-1 in Homoeopathy College
List of Ineligible Candidate for Interview, Advt. No. 35/2018-19, Assistant Director, Class-1, Employees State Insurance Scheme
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