Sunday, November 4, 2018

Gujarat Panchayat Seva Selection Board (GPSSB) Extension Officer (Agricultural) Question Paper (04-11-2018)

Gujarat Panchayat Seva Selection Board (GPSSB) Extension Officer (Agricultural) Question Paper (04-11-2018)

Study material of Vistaran Adhikaree

As a responsible website, we always try to put authentic and necessary study material for various competitive exams. In this article we have put perfect Study material of Vistaran Adhikaree of Sahkar, Agriculture and IRD. Friends in this exam you have to focus on Panchayatee Raj and Panchayat department. So maximum questions will be asked in this format. So friends if you want to crack this exam you must have to focus Panchayatee Raj.

Educational Qualification : (i)a Bachelor’s degree obtained from any of the Universities established or incorporated by or under the Central or a State Act in India; or any other education institution recognized as such or declared to be deemed as a University under section 3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956;

(ii) the basic knowledge of computer application as prescribed in the Gujarat Civil Services Classification and Recruitment (General) Rules, 1967 , and

(iii) Adequate knowledge of Gujarati or Hindi or both
Advt. No.: 05/2018-19

Posts Name: Extension Officer (Agricultural)

Exam Date: 04-11-2018

Download Question Paper: Click Here

from Aapanu Gujarat :: An Official Website
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