Saturday, November 3, 2018

Gujarat State Road Transport Corporation (GSRTC) Driver Result 2018

Gujarat State Road Transport Corporation (GSRTC) Driver Result 2018

Gujarat State Road Transport Corporation has released the final result of the Selection for the post of Conductor. The notification released in March 2018 and written exam was conducted in the month of June 2018. The recruitment notification was issued for fulfilling 2390 posts/..So, a huge numbers of candidates did appear for written examination. However, GSRTC took less time to complete the selection procedure and now they have declared the GSRTC Conductor Final Result 2018 at their official website.

GSRTC Conductor Final Result 2018

The GSRTC Conductor Final Result 2018 is available now. Candidates can view their GSRTC Conductor Final Result 2018in the format of a PDF attachment. The file containing the GSRTC Conductor Final Result 2018 will display the Nam and the marks obtained by the candidates in the written examination. Candidates who have qualified the written exam and the names have been highlighted in the merit list will b e called for further activities towards the joining. The details of joining procedures will be available soon

Read the instruction below and download your GSRTC Conductor Final Result 2018 now in single click at tethatguru

Get the GSRTC Driver Answer keys here on this page by using given below links. Recently, the officials of Gujarat State Road Transport Corporation (GSRTC) has conducted the written exam in the month of June 2018 for 933 vacancies of Driver posts. We know that the candidates who are appeared for this written exam that aspirants are eagerly waiting for the GSRTC Driver Result. For the sake of aspirants, the officials announced that the GSRTC Driver Merit list will be released in the month of July 2018. So, the applicants can check their result on our page and also the candidates get the latest Gujarath govt job Updates here.

Those Aspirants who have completed Exam and waiting to Check GSRTC Sectional Cut Off marks that candidates get GSRTC Driver result here on this page. We know that the candidates who are appeared for this examination are very confident about their result. That’s why the aspirants first check the Gujarat State RTC Answer keys on official site. We are informing to all aspirants of this recruitment exam i.e., the GSRTC Cut off marks and Results will announce by the officials of Gujarat State Road Transport Corporation (GSRTC) is getting late.

Hence, All the Applicants are worried about the GSRTC Result And Merit List Pdf, If Yes, the aspirants have a news here that is the officials are going to update the GSRTC Driver Result on the official site. To get the job in GSRTC as a driver the candidates must qualify in the Written Exam. So, aspirants should know the GSRTC Driver Answer keys & Cut off Marks. So, Based on the Answer keys the Applicants have the proper thought, if they are selected or not in the written exam for the Gujarat State RTC Driver posts.

Instruction for Downloading the GSRTC Conductor Result 2018:

1. Check the Important Links section below

2. Then the candidates have to click on the Download Final Result link

3. This link will redirect the candidate to a new page containing the Names of the candidates who have been finally selected to the post

4. Candidate may save the PDF if they required so

5. The candidate can also check the result also from the official website

Posts Name: Driver

Driving Test Dates: 04-06-18 to 29-09-18

Selection List / Waiting List

 (Result): Click Here

from Aapanu Gujarat :: An Official Website
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