Tuesday, November 13, 2018


RRB ahmedabad Result 2018 will be available for all the two stages of CBT and the Computer-Based Aptitude Test on the official websites of RRB. The RRB ALP Merit List 2018 will be prepared on the basis of the RRB ALP Result 2018. Candidates will be placed in the final merit list as per their performances in the various stages of the online examination.

There are so many Assistant Loco Pilot vacancies in RRB ahmedabad Recruitment 2018. Candidates who will secure marks, equal to or above the Minimum Qualifying Marks prescribed for various communities/categories in the First Stage CBT shall be advised to exercise their choice of preferred post and place of posting.

RRB CBT Result 2018
The RRB ALP Recruitment 2018 First stage CBT will be conducted in the month of April/ May 2018 and result for the same will be uploaded on the official RRB Websites. On the basis of the qualifying status of the candidates in this exam, they will have to go through the further stages of the RRB Assistant Loco Pilot Recruitment 2018.

Important Link :::

Notice of provisional shortlist and Exam Date of 2nd stage click here

Provisionaly short List Candidate 2nd stage CBT click here

from Aapanu Gujarat :: An Official Website https://ift.tt/2zbiSV9
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