Sunday, October 20, 2019

AMC Sahayak Sanitary Inspector & Sahayak Garden Supervisor OMR Answer Sheet Question Paper (20-10-2019)

Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC) has published OMR Answer Sheet 2019 for the post of Sahayak Sanitary Inspector & Sahayak Garden Supervisor, Check below for more details.

Diwali Crackers app – The best entertaining app for blasting various crackers, as in real time.

Let's start celebration and enjoy the Diwali with Diwali crackers game. In this Diwali Games app you can blast various crackers like Sparklers, Chakra or Ground Spinner, Flower Pots, Colour Fountains, Rockets, Atom Bombs or Sounding Crackers, Flashlight Crackers, etc.

Diwali Festival is a religious Hindu festival, celebrated as festival of lights by lighting lamps on the homes, streets, shops, temples, etc. and also bursting of crackers everywhere.

While using this Diwali Games app, it will be a mind blowing feel like blasting cracker in real time.

As real time crackers are hazardous to our safety, especially when it comes of kids, this Diwali Crackers app put back the place of original crackers.

Sahayak Sanitary Inspector
Sahayak Garden Supervisor

The test was held on 20-10-2019

from Aapanu Gujarat :: An Official Website
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