Friday, November 22, 2019

ITI List For Gujarat All Taluka : Useful for Learning Licence

ITI List For Gujarat All Taluka : useful for Learning Licence

The state government has decided to operate the learning license in ITI only. With this, the learning function at RTO will cease. Although, at the present stage, the learning licenses at RTO will not be closed, the operations in RTO may be closed after a week.

It has decided to take over from ITI to remove the burden of operation from the RTO. As the training government has decided to organize the training on October 11, it will take only a week for the ITI to carry out a learning license. For this operation, ITI per Learning License is Rs. 100 returns will be made, of which the ITIA instructor will have to pay the principal.

State govt decision to help clear backlog at 36 RTOs across

Learning License will be released from 29 nearby Polytechnic Colleges (Diploma College) besides ITI from November 20, 2019.

The fee for the learning license can be paid from, so no line will have to be raised.
Appointment for Learning License must be applied at, no authority or agent has to be pushed

Any further information can be obtained from or, no need to ask any agent.

No applicant has to pay any agent or officer for any rupees except the learning license fee.
All of the following processes will be online from now on

1) Renewal of Driving License
2) Duplicate driving license
3) Driving license replacement
4) Duplicate RC Book of vehicle
5) Any vehicle information
6) Hypothesis removal
7) Driving License Information


from Aapanu Gujarat :: An Official Website
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