Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Lokrakshak Recruitment 2019|LRB Constable Final Result 2019 |Allotment |Order| Document Varidfication| @

Lokrakshak cadre Lokrakshak Recruitment instruction 

LRB Constable Final Result 2019 Available Soon

The process of recruiting the Lokrakshak Recruitment cadre is now in the final stages and the results will be announced in a short time.

Rumors have recently been circulating that academic qualifications have been affected, which is likely to affect the current Lokrakshak Recruitment process. To make it clear that there is no change in the qualifications in the current recruitment process and proceedings to complete the recruitment process as per the qualifications indicated in the advertisement.

The process of scrutinizing the documents of Scheduled Tribes category candidates is still with the Commissioner, Tribal Development Office, Gandhinagar. This procedure is likely to be completed within about 3 (pistolis) days, which is likely to be completed by the end of November.

The result of the locksmith cadre will be reported through the website as the process is completed. So all candidates are requested not to ask the locksmith recruitment board or any other place or officer over the phone.

Lokrakshak Recruitment Board will do all works related to recruitment like giving advertisements in various newspapers, getting online applications on OJAS software from eligible candidates, taking written and physical exam as per rules made by the Government. Thereafter, the Lokrakshak Recruitment Board will also declare result. All these arrangements have to be made by the Lokrakshak Recruitment Board.

Lokrakshak Recruitment Board shall carry out all the work of recruitment right from the beginning till final declaration of result including preparation of cadre wise results, taking into consideration various rules and regulations of the government. All these duties have to be performed by Lokrakshak Recruitment Board.

Measures taken by the Lokrakshak Recruitment Board for transparent and impartial recruitment process:

The Lokrakshak Recruitment Board has undertaken several steps for the transparent, fair and impartial conduct of the whole Recruitment process to make completely free from any irregularity or malpractice. Various measures undertaken by the Lokrakshak Recruitment Board are as follows :

1. For Written Examination, the candidates shall be allotted his/her examination centre not in his/her own district, but in the neighboring district.

2. Generally, in any competitive examination, the questions papers are prepared in four series viz. A,B,C,D, but for the Preliminary Examination, the questions papers will be printed in (30) thirty difference series (Jumbled Questions & Answers). Further, in a room, seating arrangement of maximum 30 candidates have been made and every candidate will get question paper of different series, thereby there will be no possibility for copying or malpractice.

3. For Written Examination, all the candidates will be asked to report two hours prior to the commencement of the exam for his/her biometric registration and prints of his/her index figure of both hands will be taken.

4. Photograph of each and every candidate shall also be taken before the written examination.

5. For the Written Examination, the Board shall select such Exam Centers at the City/District level where the schools/colleges are equipped with CCTVs in the class rooms.

6. The Board has decided to appoint one Videographer at each Exam Centre.

7. For the security of examination material of the written examination, strong rooms have been arranged at the District levels which are equipped with CCTV cameras and such CCTV cameras shall function 24 hours round the clock.

8. Fingerprint verification shall be made at the time of physical examination and verification of documents.

9. Photograph of the candidate will be taken during the physical test.

10. CCTV cameras shall also be installed at all the physical tests centres.

11. R F I D shall will be used during the physical test for measuring running time of any candidate.

Name of the department Gujarat Police Department
Official website
Recruitment notification Constable
No. of vacancies 17532
Location Gujarat
Category State Government Job
Update Result/Merit list/Cut Off Marks
Date of examination 23rd October

from Aapanu Gujarat :: An Official Website
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