Thursday, November 14, 2019

School Merge Babat shixak sangh Ni Rajuaat

School Merge Babat shixak sangh Ni Rajuaat
The government will take a decision after the survey is completed

Director of Primary Education M. eye. Joshi said, 'The details we have. Based on this, the list is being prepared, but it will be kept in mind that if only five children are studying in one school and it is difficult for the children to study in other schools, then such schools will be kept open. After the survey is completed, the government will decide whether to merge the school.

Which schools apply?

If the class-wise number of schools in Std-1 to 5 is less than 1 then such school will be merged into another school. Likewise, if the number of students in Std. 1 and 2 are less than 1, such schools will be merged into other schools. Upon arrival in Ahmedabad city, the process of merging the primary schools to the nearest higher secondary school will be undertaken.


from Aapanu Gujarat :: An Official Website
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