Saturday, November 23, 2019

U-Dictionary is a free dictionary and translation app.

U-Dictionary is a free dictionary and translation app.

Now you can translate between any two languages from 108 languages!

U-Dictionary offers originally developed dictionaries of 44 languages, Collins Advanced Dictionary, WordNet Dictionary, Bilingual Sentences, Sample Sentences, Synonyms, Antonyms, Phrases and so on. Also, U-Dictionary is equipped with English articles, games, and quizzes to help you strengthen your English level.

U-Dictionary is not only the most authentic English dictionary but also a powerful multiple-language translator. We meet all your translation needs to fit different scenarios such as studying, working and traveling abroad. U-Dictionary is far more than a dictionary!

U-Dictionary Features: Text Translation: Translate between any two languages from 108 languages. Camera Translation: Snap a photo with text to get it translated. Recognizes 12 languages. Offline Dictionary: Free download of Offline Packages for 44 languages and synonyms, antonyms, phrases, English sample sentences, Collins Advanced Dictionary and WordNet Dictionary. Copy to Translate: Copy any word or sentence while browsing, messaging, or reading news, to get meaning instantaneously. Word Lock Screen: Show words you choose on Lock Screen without network by accessing the offline package.
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Quick Translate: Get the meaning in the notification bar without opening U-Dictionary.
My Words: Save important words into different folders. Collect and revise.
Perfect English Pronunciation: Authentic UK (British) and US (American) accent. Listen and learn.
Sample Sentences: Collected from famous international news websites such as BBC, NPR, etc.
14 Display Languages: Now you can read in your native language.
Words For Today: Learn new words every day to extend your vocabularies.
Word Games: Find synonyms game and spelling game. Play and learn.
Funny Videos: Fully utilize your free time to learn English with ease and fun.
Writing Club: Talk about themes given every week by us to develop your writing skills.


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