University of Maryland America
The University of Maryland, College Park (University of Maryland, UMD, or simply Maryland) is a public research university in College Park, Maryland.Founded in 1856, UMD is the flagship institution of the University System of Maryland. It is additionally the most important university in each the state and also the Washington metropolitan space, with more than 41,000 students representing all fifty states and 123 countries, and a global alumni network of over 360,000. Its twelve schools and colleges together offer over 200 degree-granting programs, including 92 undergraduate majors, 107 master's programs, and 83 doctoral programs. UMD is a member of the Association of yankee Universities and competes in extramural athletics as a member of the large 10 Conference.

The University of Maryland's proximity to the nation's capital has resulted in several analysis partnerships with the federal government; school receive analysis funding and institutional support from agencies like the National Institutes of Health, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the National Institute of Standards and Technology, the Food and Drug Administration, and the Department of Homeland Security. It is classified as a first tier research university by the Carnegie Foundation, and is labeled a "Public Ivy", denoting a quality of education comparable to the private Ivy League. UMD is ranked among the top 100 universities both nationally and globally by several indices.

In 2016, the University of Maryland, College Park and the University of Maryland, Baltimore formalized their strategic partnership after their collaboration successfully created more innovative medical, scientific, and educational programs, as well as greater research grants and joint faculty appointments than either campus has been able to accomplish on its own. As of 2017, the operating budget of the University of Maryland is approximately $2.1 billion. For the 2018 fiscal year, the university received a total of over $545 million in external research funding. In October 2017, the university received a record-breaking donation of $219.5 million from the A. James & Alice B. Clark Foundation, ranking among the most important philanthropic gifts to a public university within the country

Courses Offered by University Of marilands
- Accounting (BMAC)
- Additive Manufacturing (PMAM)
- Additive Manufacturing (Z115)
- Administration, Supervision & Curriculum (Z900)
- Aerospace Engineering (ENAE)
- Aerospace Engineering (PMAE)
- Aerospace Engineering (Z053)
- African American Studies (Z096)
- Agricultural and Resource Economics (AREC)
- Air Quality Science and Technology (Z047)
- American Studies (AMST)
- Animal Sciences (ANSC)
- Anthropology (ANTH)
- Applied Anthropology and Historic Preservation (AAHP)
- Applied Counseling and Human Services (Z069)
- Applied Economics (off-campus) (ECAO)
- Applied Economics (off-campus) (MPEC)
- Applied Economics (on-campus) (ECAM)
- Applied Economics (on-campus) (MPEM)
- Applied Entomology (MPAE)
- Applied Mathematics & Statistics, and Scientific Computation (AMSC)
- Architecture (ARCH)
- Architecture and Community Planning (ARCP)
- Architecture and Historic Preservation (ARHP)
- Architecture and Real Estate Development (ARDV)
- Art History and Archaeology (ARTH)
- Art Studio (ARTT)
- Astronomy (ASTR)
- Atmospheric & Oceanic Science (Z046)
- Atmospheric and Oceanic Science (AOSC)
- Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Technology (MPAO)
- Beekeeping (Z088)
- Behavioral and Community Health (BCHL)
- Behavioral and Community Health (MBCH)
- Behavioral and Community Health (online) (MBCO)
- Bilingual Speech-Language Pathology (Z125)
- Biochemistry (BCHM)
- Bioengineering (BIOE)
- Bioengineering (online) (MEBI)
- Bioengineering (online) (Z083)
- Bioengineering (PMBI)
- Bioengineering (Z054)
- Biological Resources Engineering (ENBE)
- Biological Sciences (BISI)
- Biophysics (BIPH)
- Biostatistics (BIOS)
- Business Administration (BMBA)
- Business Administration (Executive) (CMBA)
- Business Administration (Executive) (EMBA)
- Business Administration (online) (OMBA)
- Business Administration and Accounting (BAAC)
- Business Administration and Business Analytics (BABA)
- Business Administration and Finance (BAFN)
- Business Administration and Information Systems (BAIS)
- Business Administration and Marketing Analytics (BAMA)
- Business Administration and Nursing (BNRS)
- Business Administration and Pharmacy (BPHR)
- Business Administration and Public Policy (BMPO)
- Business Administration and Real Estate Development (MBRE)
- Business Administration and Social Work (BMSW)
- Business Administration and Supply Chain Management (BASC)
- Business Analytics (BMAN)
- Business Analytics (online) (OMAN)
- Business and Management (BMSB)
- Business and Management (BPHD)
- Business Management and Law (LMBA)
- Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (PMCH)
- Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (Z055)
- Chemical and Life Sciences (CLFS)
- Chemical Engineering (ENCH)
- Chemical Physics (CHPH)
- Chemistry (CHEM)
- Civil and Environmental Engineering (ENCE)
- Civil and Environmental Engineering (PMCE)
- Civil and Environmental Engineering (Z056)
- Classics (CLAS)
- Clinical Audiology (CAUD)
- Clinical Psychological Science (MPPS)
- Communication (COMM)
- Communication Management (Z045)
- Community Counseling (COCM)
- Community Planning (CMPL)
- Community Planning and Historic Preservation (CPHP)
- Community Planning and Law (LCPL)
- Community Planning and Real Estate Development (CPDV)
- Comparative Literature (CMLT)
- Computation and Mathematics for Biological Networks (Z132)
- Computational Harmonic Analysis (Z023)
- Computational Methods in Atmospheric & Oceanic Science (Z048)
- Computer Networking (Z117)
- Computer Science (CMSC)
- Computing Systems (Z118)
- Consecutive Interpreting (Z080)
- Counseling & Personnel Services (Z901)
- Counseling Psychology (COCP)
- Couple and Family Therapy (FCFT)
- Creative Writing (CRWR)
- Criminal Justice Administration (Z130)
- Criminology and Criminal Justice (CJCH)
- Criminology and Criminal Justice (CRIM)
- Critical Theory (Z017)
- Cultural and Heritage Resource Management (MPCH)
- Cultural and Heritage Resource Management (Z121)
- Curation and Management of Digital Assets (online) (Z093)
- Curriculum and Instruction (EDCI)
- Curriculum and Instruction (Z902)
- Cybersecurity Engineering (online) (MECY)
- Cybersecurity Engineering (online) (Z092)
- Cybersecurity Engineering (PMCY)
- Cybersecurity Engineering (Z073)
- Cybersecurity Leadership (Z077)
- Dance (DANC)
- Data Science (Z104)
- Data Science and Analytics (MPDA)
- Digital Studies (Z110)
- Ecological Economics (Z009)
- Economic Analysis (off-campus) (Z074)
- Economic Analysis (on-campus) (Z098)
- Economics (ECON)
- Ecosystems Restoration (Z041)
- Electrical and Computer Engineering (ENEE)
- Electrical and Computer Engineering (PMEE)
- Electrical and Computer Engineering (Z057)
- Electronic Packaging (online) (Z111)
- Electronic Packaging (Z112)
- Elementary & Middle School Science Education (Z051)
- Energy Systems Engineering (online) (MEEE)
- Energy Systems Engineering (online) (Z082)
- Energy Systems Engineering (PMSU)
- Energy Systems Engineering (Z066)
- Energy Systems Management and Policy (Z107)
- Engineering and Public Policy (MEPP)
- English Language and Literature (ENGL)
- Entomology (ENTM)
- Environmental Engineering (PMEN)
- Environmental Engineering (Z058)
- Environmental Health Sciences (ENVH)
- Environmental Health Sciences (MIEH)
- Environmental Policy (EPOL)
- Environmental Policy (Z008)
- Environmental Science and Technology (ENST)
- Epidemiology (EPDM)
- Epidemiology (EPID)
- Ethnomusicology (MUET)
- Family Science (FMSC)
- Finance (BMFN)
- Financial Risk Management (Z122)
- Fire Protection Engineering (ENFP)
- Fire Protection Engineering (online) (ENGF)
- Fire Protection Engineering (online) (Z049)
- Fire Protection Engineering (PMFP)
- Fire Protection Engineering (Z059)
- Food Safety Risk Assessment (Z027)
- French Language and Literature (FRIT)
- Fundamentals of Survey and Data Science (Z129)
- Geographical Sciences (GEOG)
- Geology (GEOL)
- Geospatial Information Sciences (GEIC)
- Geospatial Information Sciences (GEIS)
- Geospatial Information Sciences (MPGC)
- Geospatial Information Sciences (MPGS)
- Geospatial Information Sciences (Z035)
- Geospatial Intelligence (GEIN)
- Geospatial Intelligence (MPGI)
- Geospatial Intelligence (Z109)
- German Language and Literature (GERS)
- Gerontology (doctoral level) (Z101)
- Gerontology (master's level) (Z100)
- Global Health (Z070)
- Government & The Private Economy (Z002)
- Government and Politics (GVPT)
- Health Administration (HLSA)
- Health Administration (online) (HLSO)
- Health Equity (HLEQ)
- Health Policy Analysis and Evaluation (HPAE)
- Health Services Research (PHHS)
- Hearing and Speech Sciences (HESP)
- Higher Education (HIED)
- Historic Preservation (HISP)
- Historic Preservation (Z005)
- Historic Preservation and Landscape Architecture (HPLA)
- Historic Preservation and Real Estate Development (HPDV)
- History (HIST)
- History and Historic Preservation (HIHP)
- History and Library & Information Science (HILS)
- Housing, Finance & Development (Z007)
- Human Development (EDHD)
- Human Development Education (Z903)
- Human-Computer Interaction (HCIM)
- Industrial/Organizational Psychology (MPIO)
- Information Assurance Management (Z026)
- Information Management (INFM)
- Information Management (online) (MIMO)
- Information Studies (INFS)
- Information Systems (BMIS)
- Integrated Pest Management (Z089)
- Integrated Technology in Education (Z126)
- Intelligence Analysis (Z021)
- Intermediate Survey Methodology (online) (Z127)
- Intermediate Survey Methodology (Z011)
- International Education Policy (HIEP)
- Interpreting (MPIN)
- Jewish Studies (JWST)
- Jewish Studies (Z018)
- Journalism (JOMJ)
- Journalism (JOUR)
- Journalism Studies (JOST)
- Justice Leadership (MPJL)
- Kinesiology (KNES)
- Landscape Architecture (LARC)
- Landscape Architecture and Community Planning (LACP)
- Leadership Education & Development (MPLD)
- Leadership in Diverse Organizations (Z131)
- Leading and Managing Healthcare Transformation (Z124)
- Library and Information Science (LBSC)
- Library and Information Science (online) (LBSO)
- Linguistics (LING)
- Literacy Coaching (Z038)
- Machine Learning (MPML)
- Marine, Estuarine, and Environmental Sciences (MEES)
- Marketing Analytics (BMMA)
- Materials Science and Engineering (ENMA)
- Materials Science and Engineering (PMMS)
- Materials Science and Engineering (Z060)
- Maternal and Child Health (MCHS)
- Mathematical Statistics (STAT)
- Mathematics (MATH)
- Mathematics of Advanced Industrial Technology (MAIT)
- Mathematics of Advanced Industrial Technology (Z022)
- Measurement, Statistics & Evaluation (Z019)
- Measurement, Statistics and Evaluation (EDMS)
- Mechanical Engineering (ENME)
- Mechanical Engineering (PMME)
- Mechanical Engineering (Z061)
- Methods of Public Analysis (Z001)
- Modern French Studies (FRMS)
- Multimedia Journalism (Z071)
- Museum Scholarship & Material Culture (Z016)
- Music (MUSA)
- Music Education (MUED)
- Music: Performance and Composition (MUSC)
- National Security Studies (Z003)
- Networking Software Development (Z119)
- Neuroscience and Cognitive Science (NACS)
- Neuroscience and Cognitive Science (Z037)
- Nonprofit Management and Leadership (Z116)
- Nutrition and Food Science (NUTR/FDSC)
- Organic and Sustainable Agriculture (Z090)
- Performance (MFAP)
- Philosophy (PHIL)
- Physical Activity (PHAC)
- Physics (PHYS)
- Plant Science (PLSC)
- Policy Studies (POSI)
- Population Studies (Z036)
- Principles of Public Health (Z076)
- Professional Communication for Enhanced English Fluency (online) (Z106)
- Professional Communication for Enhanced English Fluency (Z105)
- Project Management (online) (MEPM)
- Project Management (online) (Z040)
- Project Management (PMPM)
- Project Management (Z063)
- Psychology (PSYC)
- Public Administration (MPPA)
- Public Financial Management (Z094)
- Public Health Informatics (Z028)
- Public Health Practice and Policy (PHPP)
- Public Management (Executive) (EXPM)
- Public Management (MAMG)
- Public Management (Z004)
- Public Policy (MAPO)
- Public Policy and Law (LMPO)
- Public Policy and Social Work (BSWP)
- Public Policy and Sustainable Development & Conservation Biology (PPCN)
- Public Sector Finance & Acquisition (Z033)
- Quantitative Finance (BMQF)
- Radar Signal Processing (Z031)
- Real Estate Development (MPRE)
- Real Estate Development (RDEV)
- Real Estate Development (Z029)
- Regulatory Science and Engineering (Z087)
- Reliability Engineering (ENRE)
- Reliability Engineering (online) (MERE)
- Reliability Engineering (online) (Z042)
- Reliability Engineering (PMRE)
- Reliability Engineering (Z064)
- Risk, Compliance, and the Law (Z108)
- Robotics Engineering (PMRO)
- Robotics Engineering (Z084)
- School Counseling (COSC)
- School Improvement Leadership (Z052)
- School Librarianship (Z114)
- School Psychology (COSP)
- School System Leadership (EDUC)
- Scientific Computation (Z014)
- Second Language Acquisition (SLMA)
- Second Language Acquisition (SLPH)
- Second Language Acquisition (Z081)
- Sociology (SOCY)
- Software Engineering (PMES)
- Software Engineering (Z065)
- Spanish Language and Literature (SPAP)
- Special Education (EDSP)
- Special Education (Z905)
- Special Education for General Education Teachers in Inclusive Classrooms (Z123)
- Speech Language Pathology (SPLA)
- Student Affairs (HISA)
- Supply Chain Management (BMSC)
- Supply Chain Management (online) (OMSC)
- Survey and Data Science (online) (MPDS)
- Survey Methodology (SURV)
- Survey Statistics (Z010)
- Sustainable Development and Conservation Biology (CONS)
- Systems Engineering (ENSE)
- Systems Engineering (PMSE)
- Systems Engineering (Z067)
- Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership (EDTL)
- Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership (TLPL)
- Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (online) (Z128)
- Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (Z099)
- Technology Entrepreneurship (MPTE)
- Technology Ventures and Innovation (Z068)
- Telecommunications (ENTS)
- Terrorism Analysis (Z039)
- Theatre and Performance Studies (THPF)
- Theatre Design (MFAT)
- Toxicology (TOXI)
- Translation (MPTR)
- Translation (Z079)
- Transportation Policy and Planning (Z030)
- Urban Agriculture (Z091)
- Urban and Regional Planning and Design (URPD)
- Urban Design (Z012)
- Veterinary Medical Sciences (VMSC)
- Veterinary Medicine (VMED)
- Wireless Communications (Z120)
- Women's Studies (WMST)
- Women's Studies (Z006)
- World Languages Education (Z095)
- Youth Experience (Z113)
Tuition and Fees
Student Financial Services and Cashiering's website provides the overview of tuition, fees, and other expenses as they apply to graduate students. Each student is separately accountable for their bill and for meeting payment deadlines. It is advisable to check accounts regularly.
It is vital to see the right tuition payment for programs/courses. Most programs/courses use the quality graduate tuition rates – a per-credit charge. Tuition remission provided through assistantships and tuition awards provided for fellowships (when applicable), cover standard tuition amounts only.
There square measure many programs with non-standard tuition and charges. Note that university-provided tuition can solely cowl the quality rate; the coed is accountable for the distinction unless different funding is provided. Also note that not all programs/courses can settle for Golden ID tuition remission – check the program needs before applying or enrolling.
Once a student achieves post-candidacy standing, the student is automatically enrolled in 899 for six credits each semester until s/he graduates. The tuition charged could be a flat rate and non-refundable.
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