Friday, November 15, 2019

Vanchan Abhiyan Bhasha Deep Pdf Download dhoran 3 to 8

Vanchan Abhiyan Bhasha Deep Pdf Download dhoran 3 to 8

The Chief Minister, Shri Vijaybhai Rupani, who started the campaign in Gandhinagar to enhance the reading power of the children with the improvement of the quality of elementary education, clearly stated that only reading with meaningful understanding will make the students educated and educated.

Shri Vijaybhai Rupani started a reading campaign in the education department of the state.
Giving motivating guidance to the teachers and gurus who are the conductors of the campaign, he said that he had full confidence in the teachers and teachers of the state that they would fulfill the duty of the school children to understand the subjects of mathematics, science and history with ease.
The Chief Minister expressed the belief that consistent campaigns like Mission Vidya, Gunotsav, Reading Campaign would bring about a major revolution in elementary education under the climate of qualitative change in primary education.

He also emphasized on meaningful-sensible reading to ensure that students of Gujarat are not lacking in reading skills in the language test taken under National Achievement Survey across the country.
Shri Vijaybhai Rupani also released the 'Bhashadeep' publication on the occasion.

The teachers present at the district headquarters-Diet and District Education Training Centers across the state echoed this inspirational message from the Chief Minister through the Bisseg-Satellite satellite.

Education Minister Shri Bhupendra Singh Chudasama, Minister of State Mrs. Vibhavaribhen Dave, Prof. Education Secretary Mr. Vinod Rao, Director of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, Mrs. P. Bharathe etc. were present in the video dialogue.

Organization::: GCERT Education Department of Gujarat
book name::: bhasha Deep
Dhoran::: 3 to 8
Subject::: gujarati

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