Sunday, December 29, 2019

2562 Apprentices Recruitment in Central Railway

2562 Apprentices Recruitment in Central Railway

2562 Apprentices Recruitment in Central Railway 2020: Railway Recruitment Cell (RRC), Central Railway, Mumbai has published recruitment notification of Apprentices in various ITI trades for filling up 2562 vacancies under the Apprentices Act 1961. The closing date for submission of online applications is 22nd January 2020.

Candidates should note and take cognizance of the fact that this is a Centralized Notification for engagement of Act Apprentices under the Apprentices Act 1961 for Central Railway Units and Railway Recruitment Cell, Central Railway (RRC/CR) has been nominated as nodal agency for obtaining ONLINE applications from candidates and preparation of their merit list. Candidates can submit their applications ONLINE only on RRC’s website

Age Limit: The candidates should have completed 15 years of age and should not have completed 24 years of age as on 1st January 2020. The Upper age limit is relaxable by 05 years in case of SC/ST candidates, 3 years in case of OBC candidates.

Educational Qualification: Candidates must have passed minimum 10th class / SSC 10+2 examination system or its equivalent qualification with minimum 50% marks. The candidates should possess National Trade Certificate (NTC / ITI) in concerned trade issued by the NCVT.

Central Railway Recruitment 2019-20: Important Dates

Online application process begins

Last date to apply online


2562 Apprentices Central Railway Recruitment IPM Link  2019-20:

Notification For 2562 Apprentices

Apply Online For 2562 Apprentices

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