Wednesday, January 22, 2020

How to Tie National Flag On 26th January: Video collection

How to Tie National Flag On 26th January: Video collection

Rules governing Display of National Flag by Citizens and, Private and Educational Organizations

There is no restriction on the display of National Flag by members of the general public, private organizations, educational institutions, etc., provided they follow all the prescribed rules. The following important things have to be kept in mind:
  • The flag should not be used for commercial purposes
  • The flag should not be dipped to salute any person
  • The flag should not be used as a portion of costume or uniform. It should not be embroidered or printed on cushions, handkerchiefs, napkins or any dress material
  • No lettering of any kind should be put on the flag
  • The flag should not be used as a receptacle for receiving, delivering, holding or carrying anything
  • The flag should not be intentionally displayed with ‘saffron’ down
  • The flag should not be used to cover a speaker’s desk and it should not be draped over a speaker’s platform
  • A damaged or dishevelled flag should not be used
  • The flag should only be displayed from sun-rise to sun-set
  • Display over Public Buildings/Official Residences
  • The National Flag should be flown only on important public buildings such as High Courts, Secretariats, Commissioners’ Offices, Collectorates, Jails and offices of the District Boards, Municipalities and Zilla Parishads, and Departmental/Public Sector Undertakings.
  • The flag shall be flown on these buildings on all days, including Sundays, and will be flown from sun-rise to sun-set irrespective of weather conditions
  • Display and usage of the flag is governed by the Flag Code of India, 2002; the Emblems and Names (Prevention of Improper Use) Act, 1950; and the Prevention of Insults to National Honour Act, 1971. 
  • Following is a gist on the rules -
  • Act of Insults or indignities to the flag is a punishable offence with upto 3 years of imprisonment
  • The flag should not be placed intentionally upside down, not should it be used for holding anything other than flower petals( for hoisting of flags)
  • It must never touch the ground
  • It is considered insulting to display the flag in a frayed or dirty state, and the same rule applies to the flagpoles and halyards used to hoist the flag, which should always be in a proper state of maintenance



from Aapanu Gujarat :: An Official Website
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