Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Bin anamat Varg ne Vishvash Ma Lidha Vina LRD Paripatra Ma ferfar Karaya To Aandolan Ni Chimaki.

Bin anamat Varg ne Vishvash Ma Lidha Vina LRD Paripatra Ma ferfar Karaya To Aandolan Ni Chimaki.

After the state government announced an amendment to the circular 1-3-8, after the agitation against the LRD recruitment of women candidates of SC-ST and OBC societies, there has now been an outcry among the agitators of the non-reserved class society. "The non-reservation society coordination committee will convene a meeting in Gandhinagar on Wednesday to announce the next (programs). Earlier, opposition leader Dinesh Bambhania, who opposed the government's announcement, threatened the meeting state government if the government reserved the non-reserved retired class in confidence. If one decides to stay, the statewide movement will be Dinesh This offering circular has been no change to the circular, the government will take when we're in the government and legally demanding standings Modification Nishaka: This is announced, but if we make any changes - without trust, then women will have to be prepared to suffer the consequences. In a circular by non-reserved category leaders in recruitment, a decision meeting was held at around 2:30 pm on Wednesday at Sushil-1-Umiya Temple in Gandhinagar. The social leaders of this class and retired LRD officers will also be present in the merit. Dinesh Bambhania, while pointing to the Patidar agitator, said that in the current circular of the government, if the government takes any decision on change, it will not be fair.

We oppose the government announcing an amendment to the circular while we have introduced it to the government so that the reserve class will not be wronged in any way. The leaders of Patel, Rajput and Brahma Samaj will also join the meeting on Wednesday. He announced that five daughters would be fasting in Gandhinagar even if the government does not approve it from February 7. That decision will be taken at Wednesday's meeting on upcoming events following the announcement of the government. He also said that this would be done in protest against the open merit of girls not being allotted in LRD recruitment. The meeting will also provide legal details of the benefits and disadvantages and circulars due to reservation policy, keeping the social harmony in the current situation.

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