Sunday, February 23, 2020

Khatar (Fertilizer) Subsidy Gujarat up to 15,000

Khatar (Fertilizer) Subsidy Gujarat up to 15,000
Khatar (Fertilizer) Subsidy Gujarat up to 15,000 | Government Subsidy For Farmers: Organic fertilizer : (A) For other: 5% per tonne purchase price or for a maximum of two hectares per account in the limit of Rs.5 / – (b) For Scheduled Caste: Diwali mine: 5% per tonne purchase price of Rs. 1 / – whichever is less than two. For a maximum of two hectares per account (a) For Scheduled Tribes: 5% per tonne purchase price of Rs. Whatever is less than two. For a maximum of two hectares per account.

Subtle Elements: (A) For other: 5% of the cost or whichever is less than two in the limit of Rs.5 / for a maximum of two hectares per account (b) For the Scheduled Caste: 1% of the cost of Rs. In the limit of 1 / – per hectare. For a maximum of 2 hectares per account, which is less than two. (A) For Scheduled Tribes: 5% of the cost of Rs. In the limit of 1 / – per hectare. For a maximum of 1 hectare per account. (D) AGR 1: 5% of cost plus a maximum of Rs.5 / – per account for a maximum of two hectares (e) NFSM: 5% of the cost of Rs.5 / – per hectare whichever is less. It. Maximum one hectare per account

Gypsum: (A) NFSM: (for pulses and wheat): 5% of the cost of Rs. 1 / – per quintal whichever is less. A maximum of two hectares per account (b) AGR 1: Purchase price + 5% maximum cost of transport cost per hectare / maximum, 1 hectare per account. Gypsum (A) NFSM: (For Pulses and Wheat): Must be purchased from an authorized seller of GSFC. (B) AGR3: GSFC must distribute through its authorized vendor.

Liquid biological fertilizer: (A) For Others: Not applicable (b) For Scheduled Castes: Not Applicable (a) For Scheduled Tribes: 5% of the purchase price of liquid biological fertilizers or Rs.5 / – per/litre for a maximum of 3 hectares per account. General Chat Chat Lounge

Vermi Compost Unit: (A) For others: 1 / – per person per square meter for farmers (b) For Scheduled Castes: (a) For Scheduled Tribes: Not applicable For Registered Institutions as well: Rs. 1 lakh/unit assistance

Biological fertilizer: Organic Fertilizer AGR-1: 5% more than 5% of the purchase price for Rhizobium / PSB / ZSB / Mycorrhiza / Azotobacter. Maximum 3 hectares per account.

Important Links:

Khatar (Fertilizer) Subsidy Gujarat: Click Here

Gujarat’s Official Site For Khatar (Fertilizer): Click Here

I-khedut Portal For Farmers Scheme:

Click Here

from Aapanu Gujarat :: An Official Website
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