Saturday, February 1, 2020

SSC GD Constable Admit Card 2020

Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has published Admit Card for Addition shortlisted Candidates of Staff Selection Commission had shortlisted 19,734 additional candidates for conducting PST/PET in order to fill up the increased vacancies of CAPFs. Out of which, 19,101 candidates (Female-8431 & Male-10670) is being called for appearing in PST/PET event at 18 Recruitment Centers of all CAPFs across the Country. The PST/PET of 19,101 additional shortlisted candidates is scheduled from 03/02/2020 to 20/02/2020 and E-Admit card for all these candidates have been uploaded on CRPF website Accordingly, candidates are advised to download their E-Admit card from the lmk available on Recruitment Section of CRPF website.

Admit Card: Click Here

Notice: Click Here

For more details: Click Here

Staff Selection Commission, has invited applications for the recruitment Constable GD  (BSF,CISF,CRPF,SSB,ITBP,AR,NIA & SSF) during August ,September 2018.It is one of the most important Recruitment of the year as total 54,953 Posts are called out. Candidates who have done Matriculation Level are eligible for this recruitment. Examination date has been out. from TET HTAT GURU INFO
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