Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Physical Research Laboratory (PRL) Recruitment for JRF Post 2020

Physical Research Laboratory (PRL) Recruitment for JRF Post 2020

Applications are invited from highly motivated candidates for selection as Junior Research Fellows (JRF) in the Physical Research Laboratory (PRL). JRFs at PRL will be encouraged to register for a Ph.D. degree at an Institute/University with which PRL has an MoU. PRL's research scholars will adhere to the norms of the registering Institute/University as agreed upon in the MoU.

PRL, known as the "cradle of space sciences," is a premier national research institution under the aegis of the Department of Space, Government of India. The broad areas of ongoing research activities in PRL are Astronomy & Astrophysics, Solar Physics, Space & Atmospheric Sciences, Atomic & Molecular Physics, Optical Physics, Astrochemistry, Theoretical Physics, Geosciences, and Planetary Sciences.

Eligibility criteria for applying to the JRF Programme: Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Science or Engineering with at least a first-class (60%) or equivalent grades at both Bachelor's and Master's levels.

Those candidates expecting their Master's degree by August 2020 are also eligible to apply, subject to having secured at least a first-class (60%) or equivalent grade(s) up to the last semester.

Applicants should have qualified any one of the following examinations: CSIR-UGC National Eligibility Test (NET) JRF/LS [December 2018/June 2019/December 2019] in Physical Sciences / Chemical Sciences / Earth, Atmospheric, Ocean, and Planetary Sciences.

Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) [GATE 2018/GATE 2019/GATE 2020] in Physics / Geology and Geophysics / Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences / Chemistry.

Joint Entrance Screening Test [JEST 2020] in Physics

Please note that if the applicant possesses more than one score in either GATE or NET then the best among them has to be provided in the application.

Applicants whose ranks are in the range of 1- 500 in any of the CSIR-UGC-NET/GATE/JEST tests are quite likely to be called for the interview at PRL subject to their fulfilling other eligibility criteria as mentioned above and their online application through PRL's website. It is expected that prospective candidates have good proficiency in fundamental physics and mathematics. Candidates should be interested in pursuing a research career in the current areas of research at PRL, as mentioned above. Preference will be given to candidates who have completed their Master’s degree in the last two years. There are about 25 positions available. However, the intake will depend on the performance of the candidate in the interview and the suitability of the candidate’s research interest to the research program of PRL. PRL is an equal opportunity institute, women candidates are encouraged to apply.

Age Limit: 28 years as on the last date of submission of application.

Last Date: 10-05-2020

This post has First appeared onMaru Gujarat Official Website.

Job Summary
Job Type: Full Time
Job Role: Research/JRF/SRF
Hiring Process: Face to Face Interview
Who can apply: Freshers

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