Corona Worriors Compititions for Students by state government Of Gujarat
Participate in drawing essay and poetry writing competition organized by Gujarat government with your children sitting at home and win prizes. If the child can draw a picture from home and send it by email or post to the district office, then your child has a vacation at home to cultivate talent.
Corona Worriors Compitition Prize::::
- First No. Prize : Rs.15000
- Second No. Prize :: Rs.11000
- Third No. Prize ::: Rs. 5000

The COVID-19 pandemic has taken the world by a storm. In the fight against this pandemic, India had announced a 21-day lockdown on March 24, 2020. As the lockdown period drew to an end on April 14, 2020, the Prime Minister of India addressed the nation and announced a 19-day extension of that lockdown. This move was introduced in an effort to 'break the chain' of transmission of the virus and enforce social distancing amongst the citizens.
The guidelines for the nationwide lockdown rule that each citizen must remain at home except for emergencies. As the whole nation is shut down and the state borders remain sealed, only essential services are plying. While stepping out for essentials is allowed, people are advised to maintain at least one-meter distance, wear masks and use alcohol-based sanitizer. In order to ensure and enforce social distancing, the warriors at the forefront have been the local police forces and the Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs).

- 'No duty is more urgent than that of returning thanks'. James Allen
- Thank you for being you. Thank you!
- Let us be kinder to one another. Thank corona warriors.
- Please accept this thank-you from me to express a million thanks to you for your work.
- There is always, always, always something to be thankful for.
- 'I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder' -G.K. Chesterton
- Many many thanks for being there. Thank you for helping us
- Your work deserves appreciation. Thank you!
- Thanks for being there for everyone 24*7. Thank you
- Thank you for saving me and my family. Thank you!
- We should encourage them for the work coronavirus helpers have been performing when most people are sitting home. It is because of the coronavirus helpers that the nation is being able to contain the Covid-19 pandemic. Say thanks! from TET HTAT GURU INFO
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