Saturday, May 30, 2020

Now your mobile number will be 11 digits, along with what else will change, find out in detail

Now your mobile number will be 11 digits, along with what else will change, find out in detail
The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has come up with a proposal to increase the number of mobile numbers from 11 to 1,000 crore. The capacity of 10 digit mobile number is now being fulfilled.

TRAI said in the proposal that adding 8 to all new numbers would bring the total capacity of mobile numbers to Rs 1,000 crore. At present, the country has the capacity to sell a total of 200 crore SIM cards with 10 digit numbers. TRAI has recommended 11-digit numbers before the capacity limit is reached.

Converting 10 digit numbers to 11 digits will make many new numbers available. At present up to 90% of the numbers have been allotted. Under the current 10-digit policy, no more than 300 connections will be possible.

Apart from this, TRAI has proposed to put '0' in front of the mobile number when calling from a fixed line. At present, mobile numbers can be called from landline without adding zero at the beginning of the number. All free sub-levels of Level 2, 3, 4 and 6 can be used as mobile numbers by making it mandatory to make zero calls to mobiles from fixed networks, TRAI said.

Apart from this, TRAI has also suggested a new National Numbering Scheme, which is to be made available as soon as possible. In addition, TRAI has also talked of increasing the mobile number used for dongles from 10 digits to 13 digits.
TRAI has moved a resolution on Friday. In this proposal, it is suggested to use the mobile number of 11 digits in the country. TRAI believes that by doing this the capacity of mobile number in the country will increase to 1000 crores.

Mobile users, New Delhi: Now your mobile number can be 11 digits. Telecom Regulatory of India (TRAI) has moved a proposal on Friday. In this proposal, TRAI has suggested using 11 digit mobile numbers in the country. According to TRAI, if you replace a 10-digit mobile number with an 11-digit mobile number, more numbers will be available in the country.

The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) yesterday, released a list of recommendations on “Ensuring the Adequate Numbering Resources for Fixed Line and Mobile Services”. As forming a part of that, TRAI, the regulatory body has further recommended using 11-digit long mobile numbers in the entire country.

According to reports by TRAI, replacing 10-digit mobile No.s with 11-digit ones will help in the availability of more numbers in the country. “Switching from 10 to 11 digits with the first digit for mobile number as ‘9’ would give a total capacity of 10 billion numbers if we apply permutations. With the current policy of allotment after 70% utilization, this would suffice till India has 7 billion connections,” TRAI wrote in its recommendations.

Mobile no. capacity will increase to 1 thousand crores in the country

In its proposal in TRAI, if the first digit of the mobile no. is kept to 9, then switching to the mobile number of 10 to 11 digits will create a total capacity of 10 billion (1000 crore) numbers in the country. TRAI further said that 70 percent utilization and up to 700 crore connections with the existing policy is enough.

When calling, you have to put ‘0’ in front of the number. Apart from this, TRAI has also proposed to put ‘0’ in front of the mobile number while calling from the fixed-line. For now, for inter-service area mobile calls with fixed-line connections, it is necessary to put ‘0’ at the beginning of the number.


However, mobile numbers can also be accessed from the landline without initially adding zero. TRAI said that all free sub-levels at levels 2, 3, 4, and 6 can be used as mobile numbers if it is mandatory to apply zero to call mobiles from the fixed network.

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A new national numbering plan will come Apart from this; it has also suggested a new national numbering plan, which is to be made available as soon as possible. In addition, TRAI has also said to increase the mobile number used for dongles from 10 digits to13 digits.

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