Wednesday, September 16, 2020

COVID- 19 Teachers and principals in government primary schools

COVID- 19 Teachers and principals in government primary schools

Taluka Primary Education Taluka Primary Education Officer's Office - Garhda First Floor, Education Branch, Taluka Panchayat Bhavan - Garhda Email -
(Swa.) (G.Bot: Taluka Panchayat Dr. Swa.) No. TPS / Vashi / 897/2020
From, Principal / Teacher Government Primary School All, Ta-Gadha G: Botad.
Subject: - Matter of vigilance by teachers and principals in government primary schools under coVID19 epidemic.

According to the above subject, teachers and principals on duty in government primary schools should be vigilant when it comes to operating under the current COVID-19 epidemic.
1. As per the instructions received earlier, the teachers are regularly present in the school as per 90% of the establishment in the school. The list of teachers present in the school as per rotation should be given by KV Acharya in soft copy to the taluka by mail.

2. The school principal shall attend the school alternately. K.V. The principal of the school has given his K.V. The principal of the sub-schools coming to the school will have to give a list of how to arrange rotation at the rate of 50% in soft copy to the taluka by mail. The principal of the school shall assign the responsibility to the senior teacher of the school in the absence of the school. It will also be the responsibility of the principal to provide the information requested by the office here or by the CRC within the time limit.

3. At present, the school conducts online education through virtual classes as well as home learning, as well as on a regular basis.
Will have to run. As well as teachers who are exempt from school attendance on those days will have to organize the kind of virtual class that will be taken by those teachers through the Microsoft app at most.

4. Learning at home, unit test, M.B.Yo During the operation of distribution of food grains, the principal of the school should call the teachers to the school at his discretion and call the teachers in the school in such a way that the work is completed within the time limit. In addition, whenever there is a need for teachers in the school, the same number of teachers should be called and the work should be completed.

5. Attendance of all the teachers of the school as per the time indicated for various trainings or other occasions to be conducted by Byseg.
Will have to give.

6. Teachers have to complete all types of online activities or training provided by GCRT or any other organization within the time limit.

7. Under no circumstances should children be present in schools. If any information or item is to be exchanged
Only the parents have to be contacted.

8. Special care should be taken by the principal and teachers present in the school to follow the instructions of social distance and mask.

9. In every school, the principal must make arrangements for quality sanitizers in appropriate quantity keeping in view the entire staff.

10. Teachers must perform their duties compulsorily as ordered by the Containment Zone or other operations.
Will remain.

11. To come to the office only when instructed by any school teacher or principal. No teacher should come directly to the office. For any administrative work, every teacher or principal has to follow the administrative channel.

This letter will have to be implemented from 1206030.

For any administrative work, every teacher or principal has to work following the administrative channel. This letter has to be implemented from 1/02/2050. Taluka Primary Education Officer Baud

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