Saturday, September 19, 2020 Gujarat Rozgaar Samachar Dated 16-09-2020 Gujarat Rozgaar Samachar Dated 16-09-2020

Gujarat Rojgar Samachar (16/09/2020) edition is now available at You can view this rozgaar samachar from below mentioned link. Gujarat Rojgar Samachar is an employment newspaper, published from Gujarat Information Department on every Wednesday. This paper is publish in both printed and online. Gujarat Rozgaar Samachar Dated 16-09-2020
In this page, you can view or download Gujarat Rozgaar Samachar's latest issue as well as all previous issues. You can also view online or download Rozgaar samachar quiz, which are important for competitive exams in Gujarat (state level).

Important: Rozgaar samachar doesn't publish all govt. job related news, so don't depend on this single employment newspaper. Stay connected with for latest updates on Govt. jobs in Gujarat and India.

Employment News is the flagship weekly job journal from Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India. It was launched in 1976 with a view to provide information on employment opportunities to the unemployed and under employed youth of the country. The journal is published in English(Employment News), Hindi (Rozgar Samachar) and Urdu (Rozgar Samachar) and has a circulation of over one lakh copies per week.

In addition to this, Employment News also provides editorial content on socio-economic issues and career guidance that helps youth in broadening their horizons. The job journal serves as a guide to the youth; especially those in rural areas, by helping them gain an understanding of job market and the plethora of employment opportunities that otherwise go unnoticed.

from Aapanu Gujarat :: An Official Website
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