Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Home Learning Daily video 1 october std 1 to 12

 Home Learning Daily video 1 october std 1 to 12

If there was one thing that caused the most damage during the Corona period, it was education. The children have not been to school for more than six months. And now in Gujarat, schools are not likely to open till Diwali. The central government from September 21 std. Students from 9 to 12 were allowed to be called to the school, but the Gujarat government does not have to take this risk and there is no hope of opening schools till Diwali. On the one hand, there is a tussle between parents and school administrators over school fees. The High Court has refused to mediate in the matter, saying the state government should take a decision in the matter. Parents do not want to pay full fees when schools are closed. School administrators say how can we pay teachers if we don't pay fees? In these circumstances parents who do not pay the fee are not given the password of online education by the school. In short, the very poor condition of education is being witnessed now.

The question is that private schools in the state charge full fees in the name of online education but are the children getting online education properly? The government, on the other hand, is not talking about what online education is for children in government schools. The fact is that the education of children studying in government schools is in a very poor condition at present. Millions of children are studying in government schools in Gujarat. More than 50% of these children do not have access to online education. Online education requires a smartphone as well as a separate mobile for the child. Not every child has this arrangement. As a result, even if online education continues, these children are still deprived of education. So how do these children get back into the mainstream of education? That raises a big question.

In the Corona period, when schools across the country are closed and online education is running across the country, the situation in Gujarat is similar to that in other states of the country. But in this situation, there are two states in the country which are also concerned about the education of their state's children in online education and have linked them with online education. These two states are Delhi and Kerala.

As far as Delhi is concerned, the government had issued an order to run online classes in Delhi two and a half months ago. And teachers were told to see that online education reaches every student. For this, the responsibility of the teacher, the principal and the officials of the education department was also decided. "We have all the school processes online now. We have also done admissions online and created a WhatsApp group of children from each class," said a Delhi school principal. In this group we teach online and also give homework. There are some kids who come from poor homes and don’t have an Android phone. In those circumstances we contact the child's parents, call them to school and give them homework. Regarding online education, some parents complained that we have only one mobile in our house. To solve this problem, we also downloaded the video of the online class and we send this video to the WhatsApp group. So where there is a problem in connectivity, a child who does not have a mobile during class can study through video in his own time. The biggest problem in online education is when children do their homework. Delhi's schools have also found a solution to this problem. About 30 homework worksheets are given in the school every week. This homework has to be done and sent to the school by Saturday. The kids take a photo of their homework and put it in the WhatsApp group. Parents of children who do not have a phone system take the worksheet from the school and fill it up and return it to the school by Saturday. Every child has their teacher's phone number which the child cannot understand can call the teacher. Delhi government school teachers say that we have made such a beautiful arrangement that a child who has decided not to study at the present time will be left without education. All other children will be involved in the study.

The government is also very concerned about education in Kerala. Despite the first case of corona in Kerala, the government has now made the education system so rigid that other states in the country are following Kerala's education system. In Kerala, online education is being provided through mobile but in rural areas where there is a problem of mobile or connectivity, education is also being provided through TV or radio. A survey conducted by the Kerala government found that 3 lakh children have TVs and smartphones and can join the online class, while 2.31 lakh children do not have TVs or smartphones. The Kerala government has started providing education to these rural children through its government channel. Such children are taking their classes by putting TV in the Anganwadi or library of the village. Teachers in Kerala have also been trained on how to do online teaching. The government also ensures that electricity supply is maintained in the area during online classes. In Kerala every week the teacher goes to the children's home and checks on their homework. Parents are also explained the importance of online classes.

After the commencement of colleges in various universities in the state from June 8, students were instructed to start online studies. The current situation is that most of the colleges have not yet started any online study. While some colleges have created online video lectures to show that the work is going on and uploaded it on the website but there is no system available to check whether the students are watching the lecture or not. Thus, a situation is emerging where online education is now proving to be a Persian form.

Even after the completion of the lockdown in the state, the education department has announced that colleges and educational institutions will not start till July 31. As per the rules, after the end of the vacation, the new academic session has started in the colleges from June 8. It was decided to take online lectures for the second and third year now as the admission process of new students is underway. Earlier, colleges were trying to take online lectures in their own way, 

The government has been touting online classes as a viable alternative, but unequal and patchy access to the web has meant the experience is vastly different counting on location and household income.

According to a National Sample Survey report, 90 lakh students studying within the country's government schools haven't any facility for online education. 24 percent of households are connected to the web through smartphones, and only 11 percent have a computer with an online connection, while things in rural India is worse.

Unified communication and collaboration platforms like Microsoft Teams, Google Classroom, Canvas, Blackboard allow the teachers to make educational courses, training and skill development programs.[ They include options of workplace chat, video meeting and file storage that keeps classes organised and straightforward to figure . they typically support the sharing of a spread of content like Word, PDF, Excel file, audio, videos etc. These also allow the tracking of student learning and assessment by using quizzes and also the rubric-based assessment of submitted assignments.

Along with several researchers, i'm engaging with families across the country who are sharing stories about how they're supporting their children with education needs while schools are closed.










according to the college's principal. But now the government has instructed to take online lectures in a different type of app. Currently most of the colleges are in the process of downloading as they do not have a new application. The new application is expected to start operations tomorrow. Apart from this some colleges have started the process of taking lectures online but the students are not online at the time when the professor is taking lectures. In this situation, only 10 to 20 percent of the students in that college can take advantage of online lectures. 

While some other colleges in the city have started posting lectures on websites to find a solution to this situation. Currently some of the colleges in the city have created a number of video lectures and put them on the website but the colleges do not have any system to check whether the number of students who have seen this lecture actually study from this lecture or whether there is any meaning in this video lecture. Thus, overall, online education is becoming more and more popular. from TET HTAT GURU INFO
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