How to Delet Old Messages in Whatsapp Easy trick
- The DELETE FOR EVERYONE option remains active for up to one hour after the message is sent.
- You can also delete years old messages by following this trick
Almost all WhatsApp users will be aware that if a text message or any other file is accidentally sent to another user or group, the 'DELETE FOR EVERYONE' option is available to delete it from both, but it also has its own limits. This option remains active for up to 1 hour after the message is sent. After that only the 'DELETE FOR ME' option remains active. If you want to use the 'DELETE FOR EVERYONE' option after 1 hour or for years old message, we have come up with some great tech tips for you. Come on in, take a look ...
Suppose you want to delete a message sent on 16 September 2020 at 2:11 pm from both you and other users, that is, you want to delete a message 5 days old from 22 September. Long press on the message you want to delete will see the two options Cancle and DELETE FOR ME meaning you will only be able to delete this message from yourself.
If you want to delete a message from both, follow this step ...
- Let's turn off the internet first.
- Go to Settings and click on APP.
- Then click on Whatsapp.
- Go to Whatsapp and click on Force Stop at the bottom. from TET HTAT GURU INFO
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