Friday, September 18, 2020

Information about when and how the certificate of Chetna online training will come || Chetna Certificate

Information about when and how the certificate of Chetna online training will come || Chetna Certificate

Chetna App Talim Certificate Download | Check Chetna Shikshak Talim Certificate Online for Direct Link
In order to be useful for the development of disabled children in coordination with the training teachers given by the institute in the above matter, it is necessary for each teacher to complete 100% of the online training. The above training should be completed seriously by all IED coordinators in coordination with the teachers on a priority basis. In this regard, you will give necessary instructions to the concerned from your level.

361 DigreeMinds Consulting "Chetna Talim" App Dvara Tamam Shikshako 100% Purna Karva Babat. Subject: 361 DigreeMinds Consulting Matter of providing online training to teachers by the institute. Online training for educational activities and others is currently in operation in the district.

Vidyarthi Sankhya ne Dhyane Lai Merge Thayel Shala na Shikshko Babat Surendranagar Jilla no Letter, Date- 04/09/2020

According to the above subject, the setup register has to be prepared keeping in view the number of students as on 31/08/2020. Schools with fewer students have been merged into nearby schools in the current year considering the number of students. The merged primary school teachers were given the date.

In the setup register dated 31/08/2020, the instruction was to be shown in the teachers working in the PS school of the merged school from the reference letter. But according to the telephonic conversation with the Hon'ble Director of Primary Education, Gujarat, Gandhinagar, the teachers of the merged schools will have to show that they are working in the school in which they have been merged.

How to Download Chetna Talim Certificate ?

According to which setup forms have to be prepared.

Subject - "Teacher's Festival - Seminar on National Education Policy 2020" Matter ... Sir, to mention or respect the above subject and context. Starting from 5th September by the Education Department on the instruction of the Minister of Education. A seminar on "Teacher's Day - National Education Policy 2020" has been organized till September 24, 2020.

The details of this plan are as follows: Teacher's Festival - Seminar on National Education Policy 2020 ”(Phase-I) Dat. On 5th September, 2020 from 02:00 to 04:00 in the afternoon through Vyseg Vand Gujarat Channel-50 Mann. Education Minister Shri Bhupendrasinh Chudasama, Hon. Minister of Education (State Level) Vibhavariben Dave as well as Hon'ble Secretary Dr. Vinod Rao, Pvt. And median. Seminar on National Education Policy 2020 in the presence of education Teachers Festival - Sango regarding National Education Policy 2020 ”(Phase-2) - 0 Dt. From 8th September onwards. Every day on 24th September, 2020 from 08:30 to 10:00 through Bayseg, Gujarat Channel-50 has organized a seminar on National Education Policy 2020 in the presence of experts from various disciplines of the State

All the teachers, head teachers and teacher instructors of the state are expected to join the online program in these two phases from their place. Therefore, everyone is encouraged to join this program from your level.

Teacher id Code For Chetna App Talim





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