Gujarat Corona update 12 october 2020
Corona's condition in the state is getting worse day by day. Gradually the Corona figure now crossed 1400. However, with the sudden dramatic reduction in Tests by the government, the case of Corona has also come down. The government seems to have found an elixir to control Corona. Test reduction The number of patients will automatically decrease. Today 1181 patients were registered in the state. On the other hand, 1413 patients in the state have recovered and returned home. A total of 1,32,310 patients have recovered so far.
Corona's condition in the state is getting worse day by day. Gradually the Corona figure now crossed 1400. However, with the sudden dramatic reduction in Tests by the government, the case of Corona has also come down.
The government is also claiming that the number of tests in the state is increasing day by day. A total of 51,250 tests were conducted in the state today. Which is 788.46 per million per day according to the population of the state. A total of 50,12,705 tests have been conducted in the state so far. 1181 cases have been reported from different districts of the state. While 1413 patients have recovered and returned home. A total of 1,32,310 patients have recovered so far. The recovery rate of patients in the state is 87.28%.
A total of 5,92,942 persons have been quarantined in different districts of the state to date. Out of which 5,92,540 persons have been home quarantined. While information is being received that 402 persons have been kept in facility quarantine. It may be mentioned here that the recovery rate is 87.28 per cent which is being said by the government to be very good.
If we talk about active patients, there are currently 15717 active cases in the state. 86 on the ventilator. While 15631 people are stable. 132310 people have been discharged. A total of 3569 people have been killed so far. Today 09 people have died. Out of which a total of 09 crore patients have died in Gujarat including 3 in Ahmedabad Corporation, 2 in Surat Corporation, 1 in Ahmedabad, 1 in Rajkot Corporation, 1 in Surat and 1 in Vadodara Corporation.
Learn all about the corona vaccine based on five points
1. What is the current status of corona transition?
Increase the transition record to 24 hours
On October 9, a record-breaking 3,38,779 cases of transition were reported worldwide. There are 96,996 new cases in Europe alone. Currently, more cases are being reported across Europe than in India, Brazil and the United States. A total of more than 37 million cases of corona have been reported in the world so far and more than one and a half million deaths have been reported. According to a Reuters analysis, the transition to 54 countries is on the rise again.
2. What is the status of vaccines worldwide?
The trial is being conducted in phases 1 to 3 of 54 vaccines
No country's vaccine has yet been fully approved. There are 54 vaccines for which a third phase trial has already started. Of these, 44 vaccine trials have begun. There are 92 vaccines that are undergoing pro-clinical trials on animals. Five vaccines are allowed for limited use. China and Russia have approved five vaccines without knowing the results of the third phase. Experts have also warned of its dire consequences.
Overall status: 29 vaccines in Phase-1, 14 in Phase-2, 11 in Phase-3 and 5 vaccines approved for limited use are in current stage.
3. Why is China ahead in the race for vaccines?
Four vaccines were in Phase-3, including Emergency Approval
Four Chinese companies are in phase-3 of the vaccine trial.
4. What is India's position on vaccines?
Work continues on approximately 30 different vaccines across the country
The second / third phase trial of 3 vaccines is underway in India. Advanced trials of four more vaccines will begin by the end of the year. Health Minister Dr. Harshvardhan told the Lok Sabha last month that work was underway on about 30 vaccines. Indian companies include AstraZeneca / Oxford and Russia's Gameleya Inst. Have contracted with. Production of AstraZeneca vaccine in India by Serum Inst. Will.
5. There are several vaccines in the Phase-3 trial
Phase-3 trials of 11 vaccines are underway
America: 3 vaccines, including Moderna
This vaccine is administered by the American National Institute. Is being developed with the help of Health.
The Maryland-based Novavex company is also developing a vaccine called Novavex.
Johnson & Johnson is also developing the vaccine in the United States.
Germany - Bioentech
The vaccine is being developed by German company Bioentech New York-based Pfizer and Chinese pharma company Fosun Pharma.
China - the 4 main vaccines
Cyanopharma China Inst. Is developing the vaccine in conjunction with Biology. The Chinese military has approved it for limited use.
Chinese company Synovac Biotech is developing another vaccine. Phase-3 trials of that vaccine have already begun. Emergency approval missed.
Wuhan Inst. Of Biological Products, in collaboration with the company Cyanopharma, is developing another vaccine. The UAE has given it Emergency Approval.
Beijing Inst on China's fourth vaccine. Off Biological Products is working. The vaccine has also received emergency approval. from TET HTAT GURU INFO
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