Friday, October 2, 2020

Gujarat Virtual Shala online Exam for std 10th Students

Gujarat Virtual Shala online Exam for std 10 Students

The Hindu has always stood for journalism that is in the public interest. At this difficult time, it becomes even more important that we have access to information that has a bearing on our health and well-being, our lives, and livelihoods. As a subscriber, you are not only a beneficiary of our work but also its enabler.

Lark is a collaboration package that offers service to schools free of charge. The package provides 200 GB free storage space, video-conferencing, messaging service, online interactive and collaborative document processing for projects, calendar to sync up the syllabus and workplace to integrate third-party applications.

GSEB has updated its ranking system. Before 2011 every student’s rank studying under Gujarat board was based on percentage. Now it is changed to percentile. How to calculate percentile rank? Firstly, subtract percentile from the 100. The second step is to multiply the answer got in step 1 with the total number of candidates who appeared in the batch. The last step is to divide the answer got in step 2 by 100. In this way, a student’s rank can be determined.

STEP - 1 : In the PDF file of the daily Gujarat Virtual School class that you get, there is a subject in front of the standard and a play button in red in front of it. Click on the live class you want to join. You can join through any of the given means.

STEP - 2 : Search by typing Youtube oll Search Box di Gujarat E class in your internet browser and you will see the screen in front of you, click on Gujarat e - Class 2.

Our School Philosophy We, at Podar International School, provide a stimulating, safe and supportive environment, in which all our students can aim for success. It is our mission to impart information, skills and processes which prepare students to function effectively in a rapidly changing world.

A letter from the Editor Dear subscriber,Thank you!Your support for our journalism is invaluable. It’s a support for truth and fairness in journalism. It has helped us keep apace with events and happenings.The Hindu has always stood for journalism that is in the public interest. At this difficult time, it becomes even more important that we have access to information that has a bearing on our health and well-being, our lives, and livelihoods. As a subscriber, you are not only a beneficiary of our work but also its enabler.We also reiterate here the promise that our team of reporters, copy editors, fact-checkers, designers, and photographers will deliver quality journalism that stays away from vested interest and political propaganda.Suresh Nambath

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Dingtalk is a free communication and collaboration platform that offers video-conferencing, calendar and attendance management and instant messaging. The app was recently in the news as students, in Wuhan, who did not want to attend remote classes, tried to boot Dingtalk out of the Play store by leaving one-star reviews.

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There is an epidemic of corona viruses in the world right now. Most countries in the world are battling the tax virus. India is also fighting hard against this disease. All schools and colleges in Gujarat are currently closed due to lockdown. Children are on holiday in schools and colleges. Students' education is deteriorating as they do not attend school or college. But the Gujarat Education Department has put videos of every standard useful to children on DD Girnar channel which students can learn by watching. For the kids who couldn't watch this video, we've put an important link in this post. By seeing this, students will be able to get an education on their own. Materials from standard 3 to 12 are placed as per the schedule of the Gujarat Education Department.

from Aapanu Gujarat :: An Official Website
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