Saturday, November 28, 2020

Nishtha Training Aheval Module 13 Download word file


 Nishtha Training Aheval Module 13 Download word file

National initative for school Head’s and Teacher’s holistic advancement

મોડયુલ 13 :: શાળા નેતૃત્વ

An overview of the module
After completing this module, teachers and head teachers gain an understanding of what they are capable of doing
The role of content
The role will explain the outline of the content

Concept and application
Give an understanding of this subject in English to Sunita Madam given in the video
Key areas of school leadership development
Transformation into Gold Development Study Teaching Process New Phase Leadership Partnership Leadership Importance for School Administration
School leadership in emergency situations
An understanding of this was given in English by Madam Smita malik through a video on how to develop leadership skills that will help you become effective and competent for leadership in school.
The concept of a school friend
Gain an understanding of the important aspects of self and motivation of this concept
Leadership level feature
If you want to be an effective leader then where are the basic corners of which some of the qualities are given here then there is the activity of responding in the blog


મોડ્યુલ 13 વર્ડ ફાઇલ અહિંથી ડાઉનલોડ કરો

Definition of leadership
The definition of leadership is nicely explained
The importance of school leadership in the context of student learning
After teacher quality, school leadership is another important factor that affects students' learning. Research on student learning suggests school leadership on student learning after studying.
School leadership and student learning
As a school teacher leader you have implemented this understanding of the influence of school leadership on student learning in your school
Academic leadership for student learning improvement
Understanding this, Sunita Madam discussed the educational leadership in English through video from TET HTAT GURU INFO
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