Thursday, November 19, 2020



NMMS Exam 2020 - 

CERTO introduces state wise NMMS 2020 application form on relevant official websites. It is also important to note that Class 8 students who get at least 50% (55% for reserved categories) are eligible to apply for the NMMS Exam 2020 Scholarship. The student's parental income should be less than Rs. 1,50,000 / - per annum. Some SCERTOs will temporarily take the NMMS 2020 exam in offline flight mode on December 13, 2020. Students will be able to download NMMS Admission Card from the first week of December 2020. The examination will consist of two papers called Mental Ability Test (MAT) and Scholarship Ability Test (SAT). The NMMS question paper will be of 180 marks. To pass the NMMS exam in 2020-21, students have to secure at least 40% marks (32% for SC / ST). NMMS 2020 results will be announced in February / March 2021. Read this article to know the details of NMMS exam dates, eligibility, application and scholarship.

NMMS Application Form 2020-21 - 

Bihar, Karnataka, Maharashtra, West Bengal, Telangana, Himachal Pradesh, and some other states have released NMMS Form 2020-21. Now, other states will also release NMMS registration form 2020-21 in a few days. Eighth graders can fill out the NMMS 2020 Scholarship Form. They can submit NMMS application form 2020-21 by the concerned schools. The deadline for NMMS 2020 application forms will vary by state. NMMS Form 2020-21 will be rejected before the report of ineligible students. Therefore, students must read the aptitude and instructions carefully before filling the NMMS Application Form 2020.

The annual parental income of the students is Rs. Should be less than. 1,50,000 will be eligible for the National Means cum Merit Scholarship Examination (NMMS). To fill out the 2020 NMMS application form, students will need a certificate of their gender and income. The NMMS Registration 2020 fee also varies according to the state of the student. NMMS exams will be held on December 12, 13 and 20, 2020. Read this article for detailed information on NMMS 2020 application form.

How to submit NMMS 2020 application form in Fly mode?

Students can follow the steps below to apply for NMMS in the mentioned fly mode.

Get NMMS 2020 application form in offline flight mode from concerned schools.

Take a printout of NMMS Application Form 2020 and carefully fill in the details in large letters. Make sure the characters are clearly visible and avoid overwriting.

Now, you need to attach proper certified copies of relevant documents such as State Domicile, Income Proof, Caste Certificate, Mark Sheets and NMMS Application Form 2020 to be submitted to the head of the institution / school.

Students whose application forms have been accepted will be able to collect NMMS admission cards from their respective schools a few days before the NMMS exam.



NMMS Application Form 2020 - Required Documents

When filling out the NMMS 2020 application form, students are required to attach some relevant documents. All documents need to be certified by the parents and the principal of the school. Check the required documents that should be attached with the NMMS Application Form 2020.

  • Two passport sizes
  • Photocopy of SC / ST certificate.
  • Photocopy of last promotion exam report card
  • Certificate of income Rs. 1,50,000 / - from competent authority
  • Certificate of disability status from the competent authority.



NMMS Application Form 2020 - Detail to fill

Students must fill in the details given with complete honesty in the NMMS 2020 application form. In case of incorrect information, the application form will be rejected.

  • Date of birth (DOB)
  • Domicile State
  • Scholarship category
  • Email ID
  • student's name
  • Mobile number
  • Bank account details
  • Identity details or base number

NMMS Application Fee 2020

Students pay an application fee of Rs. 50/100 (if applicable) and connection fee Rs. 200 / - (if applicable) per annum and institution. The NMMS application varies for different states. It must be noted that most states do not charge a fee for NMMS Application Form 2020. Check out the state-wise fee information below. from TET HTAT GURU INFO
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