Gujarat Corona update 5 December 2020
In Gujarat, after the Diwali festival, Korona is raging. More than 1,500 cases of corona have been reported in the state in the last 15 days. At the same time, the number of patients who are constantly discharged is also increasing. But 15 patients have lost their lives and their tragic deaths due to corona. 69 thousand 324 tests were done in the last 24 hours. Out of which 1514 reports have come positive. While the number of patients who beat the corona has reached 1635 and these patients have returned home after beating the corona. While the recovery rate is 91.35 percent. Discharges have been higher since November 16 than in new cases.
14742 active cases, on 90 ventilators, 1 lakh 98 thousand 527 patient discharges
So far 81 lakh 72 thousand 380 tests have been conducted in the state, out of which 2 lakh 17 thousand 333 reports have come positive, while the death toll has reached 4064. As many as 1 lakh 98 thousand 527 patients have been discharged so far. Speaking of active cases, there are currently 14742 active cases in the state, out of which 90 are on ventilator while 14652 patients are stable.
Since November 21, more than 1,500 cases have been reported 12 times and more than 1,600 cases once
So far more than 1500 cases have been reported in Gujarat. For the first time on 21st November 1515, on 24th November 1510, on 25th November 1540, on 26th November 1560, on 28th November 1598, on 27th November 1600 exceeded the number 1607 cases, on 28th November 1598 and on 29th November 1564 cases, on 30th November 1502, on 2nd December 1512 1540 1510 cases were reported on 4th December and 1514 on 5th December. from TET HTAT GURU INFO
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