Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Class 6 NCERT learning book and offline solutions for all student

Class 6 NCERT learning book and offline solutions for all student

Get Best NCERT Solutions and NCERT Exemplar Solutions of Class 6th Books covered in NCERT Solutions of Class 6

Mathematics of Class 6 -1.Mathematics NCERT
2.Maths Exemplar English

Science of Class 6-1.Science NCERT
2.Science Exemplar Problem

English of Class 6:-1.Honeycomb
2.An Alien Hand

Social Studies of Class 6-1. Social And Political Life
2. Our Pasts-II
3. Our Environment

Hindi of Class 6:-1 .Vasant Part 1

Sanskrit:of Class 6-1. Ruchira Part 1

* All Offline NCERT Solutions of Class 6
* Everything Offline , No Internet Connection Required.
* No Need to Sign in to Download any Solutions.
* In Built fast pdf Reader for smooth reading.
* Very Easy to use Interface and with category wise solutions.
* Help your friends by sharing screenshot directly.

The Solutions in this app are very helpful in for preparation of exams like:- School Exams and Tests

- CBSE Board & All State Board Exam
- Doing homework of all subjects

The Learnvita Academy Digital Content Library includes the following:

- 2D-3D animation modules to illustrate complex concepts
Engaging interactivity that promotes higher order thinking skills
- Learning reinforcement through self-study exercises.
- MCQ based practice quiz and grade assessments
- Animation based step-by-step experiments
- Language learning through stories, poems and grammar

Benefits for students and parents

Learning at any time: Students can improve lessons at home at their own pace and time with the help of audio dio-visual digital content.

Repeat Exercises: Students can strengthen their study with self-study exercises.

Online quiz: Students can improve their understanding of the lesson by trying self-assessment quizzes and teacher-created tests

Automatic bookmarks: Automatic bookmarks for each lesson allow students to resume lessons from their previous session.

ધોરણ 6 સ્વ-અધ્યયનપોથી

સેમેસ્ટર ૧ 





સેમેસ્ટર ૨





from Aapanu Gujarat :: An Official Website
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