Friday, January 29, 2021

Online Education SSC Maths most IMP pdf materials

 Online Education SSC Maths most IMP pdf materials


The only reason that universities and a few school districts K-12 are ready to attend remote learning is that the technology stack has evolved an honest bit within the last four years.

Yet that stack could use further improvement. I've tried most of the large learning management systems to a point , and usually speaking, I'd sum up the category this way:

Google Classroom benefits because it's familiar to several .

Canvas has an ecosystem of add-ons and solid workflow, but interface might be cleaner.

Blackboard is analogous to Canvas.

Video conferencing is critical to the education stack so there's an enormous opportunity for a corporation like Zoom to form a play for a younger almost-professional customer base.

Apple, Google, and Microsoft have various parts of the education stack, but the method on the backend is where online education is enabled.

Another advantage of online learning is that the opportunity it brings for private growth through the event of worldwide connections. A successful online learning environment provides a secure space that permits teachers to share ideas and experiences with people from round the world.

A shortage of execs in science, technology, engineering, and arithmetic (STEM) fields is slowing down growth and innovation within the global knowledge economy (1–2). Developed and developing countries alike have introduced multibillion-dollar programs to extend the availability of STEM graduates (3–5). However, institutions of upper education face a requirement to curb the rising costs related to attracting qualified instructors and serving more graduates as STEM degree programs cost more to run than most other majors . the most important global producers of STEM graduates—China, India, Russia, and therefore the United States—are actively seeking policy alternatives to extend the cost-effectiveness of STEM education at scale . We present a reasonable approach to addressing this global challenge and demonstrate its efficacy during a randomized field experiment.

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