Saturday, February 6, 2021

Ninth Phase Circular of Food Security. Circular regarding Food Security Allowance and Grain Distribution in Government Primary Schools from 19th November to 1st February 2021

Ninth Phase Circular of Food Security. Circular regarding Food Security Allowance and Grain Distribution in Government Primary Schools from 19th November to 1st February 2021

Students enrolled in the school for a total of 30 school days for the new academic year 2020-201 are hereby asked to complete the necessary formalities of food security allowance, food distribution and regular payment of cooking cost on time. Date of Education Department As per the condition
: Mayya / GOH / Scar, the student / parents have to deposit in the bank account in the 5th of the cooking cost fixed by the school headmaster / teacher / SMC as per the security cost. As well as keeping in view the local circumstances, strictly maintaining social distance as per the guidelines of the government, honorarium of local school teachers and mid-day meal center.

foodgrains on a daily basis and the amount of cooking cost paid to all the registered students of the primary school where the mid-day meal scheme is being implemented should be sent to the Emall here in the prescribed form. As well as the amount of foodgrains distributed daily and the amount deposited in the bank account of the student / guardian will have to be given in the prescribed specimen form shown here on Google Drive at the email address here.
As per the procedure prescribed at the district level for distribution of foodgrains, distribution of foodgrains from the quantity of foodgrains allotted for mid-day meal scheme to the Government of India for mid-day meal scheme shall be completed within the time limit.

All the beneficiaries will have to be checked thoroughly in a timely manner. Hence the above order of the Department of Education for Food Security Allowance District Corporation sil.

Thequantity of foodgrains should be obtained from the quantity allotted for the mid-day meal scheme in consultation with the Gujarat State Civil Supplies Corporation Ltd. If there is any discrepancy in the number of students enrolled in the district as mentioned in the allotment form attached herewith, the Deputy Collector (M.B.Yo) will have to send an immediate report here.

Ninth Phase Circular of Food Security. Circular regarding Food Security Allowance and Grain Distribution in Government Primary Schools from 19th November to 1st February 2021

from Aapanu Gujarat :: An Official Website
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