Thursday, April 8, 2021



Gujarat Council of Educational Research and Training (GCERT) is a pivotal institution at the state level for the enhancement of qualitative education at primary and secondary schools.

It was the "State Institute of Education" before 1988. It was later upgraded as a SCERT in 1988, under the resolution of the State Education Department. The upgraded SCERT, now named as Gujarat Council of Educational Research and Training (GCERT) is a fully structured State level academic institution and is controlled and guided by a Governing body as well as an Executive Committee.

GCERT was shifted from Ahmedabad to Gandhinagar, the State Capital in 1997. State Education Department has allotted separate land for the GCERT for building in sector-12. Hence the GCERT has been functioning in the newly constructed building “VIDYA BHAVAN” in sector-12 with modern infrastructure and latest equipment since 21st August 2004 in view of the widening horizon.

Under the umbrella of GCERT, there are now 27 DIETs (District Institute of Education and Training) functional in 33 Districts. These DIETs impart pre-service and in-service training to the primary teachers of the State. There are seven branches namely Pre-service Teacher Education (PSTE), Work Experience (WE), District Resource Unit (DRU), Curriculum Material Development & Evaluation (CMDE), Educational Technology (ET), In-service Field interaction Innovation & Co-ordination (IFIC), and Planning & Management PM functioning in these DIETs. These DIETs are well equipped with qualified and experienced academic and administrative staff.

The GCERT works as a prominent institution for implementing the policies, programs, and researches in the State. It provides resource support and guidance to all the teacher education institutions and works in collaboration with the NGOs, Subject experts, Educationalists, and pioneers in bringing about reforms in the remote and underserved areas of the State. It disseminates the latest information with regard to modern trends and approaches in primary education, pre-service and in-service education, pedagogical advances in the country, wide use of distance education as a mode of training, organizing community awareness programs, and updating of the curriculum of primary education in view of new and emerging concerns. Even the State Ministry of Education banks upon its expertise. The Council is committed to bringing about qualitative improvement in school education particularly Elementary Education, development of curriculum syllabi, instructional material, and evaluation strategies to explore suitable solutions to educational challenges with the changing time. The GCERT has scaled a unique journey with experimentation from chalk to satellite, scaling an arduous terrain in the field of educational reforms.

There is also fear in the forest for the enjoyer, for the yogi, there is joy in the forest as well. The disorder that has been liberated will experience peace everywhere. Shri Krishna says that you are only engaged in changing things, and never try to change your inner being.

While doing the work, behave like the world, but the consciousness is so full that from within we are on infinite heights of knowledge. Like a kite flying lanyard and holds it immediately when the kite gets tangled. If you do actions with knowledgeable thoughts, you will not get confused.

Remember every moment of the Supreme Element, it is He who is getting everything done and is motivating us to do it. These sacred thoughts, Bhagavad thinking, good deeds, cow service, name remembrance, saint service, are all happening by the grace of that supreme being. Do not consider yourself the doer and reason, feel the grace of God.

At the end of the discussion on seniority in the transfer camp with the director today, a discussion was held taking into account the circulars that have been issued from time to time. In this discussion, the teacher friends are being treated unfairly in the matter of seniority mentioned by the director. In 2012, mother school seniority has been mentioned. But in case of fluctuations after 2012, if any such mention is made within the circular after which the seniority is considered as a mother school, it is stated to draw attention. So in this matter, the teacher's friends have calculated the date of maternal school even after 2012. If such a circular comes to our notice, you will definitely send it to us so that we can get justice in this matter



from Aapanu Gujarat :: An Official Website
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Next Post APRIL MONTH Unit Test Latest Circular date- 08/04/2021 APRIL MONTH EKAM KASOTI 2021 During the current Govid-19 epidemic, periodic assessment tests have been conducted in July and August for students of Std. 6 to 8 in all government, aided and self-reliant primary schools in the state in all mediums from 202021 onwards. For the organization of periodic assessment test for the students of Std. 6 to 8 in the month of September, further action has to be taken with the following considerations. The syllabus taken in the month of July in the Gujarati and Mathematics subject test will not be included in the September test. Attached is a copy of the syllabus of the assessment test for DECEMBER 2020. Testing taking into account learning outcomes. Gujarati and Maths tests will be taken in Std. 6 and 8. Gujarati MATHS will be tested in Std. Gujarati MATHS will be tested in Std. 6 to 8. Date of Education Department As per the resolution of 12/02/2020, Gujarati (first language), mathematics, social science and science subjects have to be tested equally. Self-supporting and grant-aided schools will be able to voluntarily take tests in subjects other than these four subjects. Periodic Evaluation Tests Dt. It will be held from September 26 to 30. Ta. Tests should be delivered to the students in hakopi or softcopy by 30/12//2020. Tests of all mediums will be made available on GCERT website ( on 30/12/2020. As well as Gujarati medium test which can also be seen in the QR code on the index of the textbook of that subject. It is expected that the above tests will be supervised by the student guardian at the convenience of the parent and students. The purpose of the test is to monitor the progress of the student so that it is desirable for the students to give in a fearless and stress free environment. Test Answer Book Dt. It is desirable to be delivered to the school through the guardian by 30/12/2020. Wherever there is a test of Gujarati in Gujarati medium, the first language test of that medium will be taken in other medium. Wherever there is a test of Hindi in Gujarati medium, Gujarati (second language) will be tested in Hindi medium. Where there is an English test in Gujarati medium, Gujarati (second language) test will be taken in English medium. Instruct your subordinate officer / schools to make necessary arrangements for the above periodic assessment tests. Latest Circular and Guidance on APRIL MONTH Unit Test STD: 1 TO 8 CIRCULAR & ABHYASKRAM: Click here Download Paripatra ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ Latest Circular and Guidance on JANUARY MONTH Unit Test STD: 1 TO 8 CIRCULAR & ABHYASKRAM: Click here Download Paripatra STD: 9 TO 12 CIRCULAR & ABHYASKRAM: Click Here To Download ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ Latest Circular and Guidance on FEBRUARY MONTH Unit Test STD: 1 TO 8 CIRCULAR & ABHYASKRAM: Click here Download Paripatra STD: 9 TO 12 CIRCULAR & ABHYASKRAM: Click Here To Download

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