Animals - Birds delivered to the freedom - bev. And the flagwing song prepared. Pigeon, Tapjali, January started, and Momari came to a patriotism, who came to the world, and drama prepared. Guy, buffalo, camel, bull, wolf birds also prepared a patriotical acting song on the country. Should be shown. And I said, "I am a bird of balloons and zombies from the market.
It soon arranged. The trail of the national animal tiger took the chocolate for all the riches. The tiger came. Thus, in view of Janjo, all of January 26. The tiger also agreed to his day. The day went on early in the morning. Then the forests of the jungle and the new clothes were called the meeting of the birds at a timely ground. Sabha got up.
Invited guests also came. As the chairman, the first flagwing program started in the King Lion. Came. Lion led and bloom and tigers, Singh Richjajankan. According to all bird instruction, each of the animals gave salami according to their power. Nation and the flagwing work was assigned. Singing a song noticed everyone. Sinhbhai gave a speech, the martyrs came, remembering the work before January 24th. All of the Nara called, Balloons debt. And if any kind of trouble falls, flow and shared chocolets.
Then the birds seek advice of the birds, it will help you. And the animals' glimpse of the cultural programs are happy. Showing All of the leprosy, the freedom - the liberation of the day for the second day, praised the day of the day and arrived every year. Such a joyful and joyful preparation program also requested. Started to be late. Zebra and horses together, Momarii thanked all and with - with a beautiful mudder with.
Deer and every year all the festive celebrations arranged the chairs in the forest. The birds and animals will be combined together to prepare the Light and Mike System. Introduced. Talking about this, all the happiness, Menaban and Paparbhai began to jump in the nation and jump. A / 34, Balaji Residency, Dukulapura Road, Link-384440 is destroyed from the companionship of the narcasm.
TIMING:- 9:30 AM TO 2:30 PM.
from Aapanu Gujarat :: An Official Website