Subject: Issue of Identity Card with photo to all working teachers of Government Primary Schools as well as Government and Grant-in-Aid Secondary, Higher Secondary Schools.
Reference: Approval obtained from the Proceedings Note of the meeting of the Project Approval Board dated 10/02/2018 under the entire Education, Annual Work Plan and Budget Year 2017-20
Pursuant to the above subject and reference, MHRD, Government of India has issued Annual Work Plan and Budget for the year 2013-2014 to all States and Union Territories to all the working teachers of their primary, secondary and higher secondary schools. Instructed to issue Teacher Identity Card with information like school UDISE code and full address of the school (including village, taluka, district details) etc.
Therefore, if Teacher Identity Card (Teacher Identity Card) with photo has been issued to the working teachers of Government Primary Schools under your jurisdiction as well as Government and Grant-in-Aid Secondary, Higher Secondary Schools, inform the office here as per the following details (A) and if Teacher Identity Card If there are any pending issues to be issued, action has to be taken at your level following the instructions in detail below:
The design approved by the office here for Teacher Identity Card is attached here with. According to which the identity card has to be prepared including all the details of the teacher.
(1) Teachers who have not been issued Teacher Identity Card (Teacher Identity Card) as per the proposed design will have to be issued from District / Corporation level. You can adopt your own leading planning and approach for the implementation of this project. Under which the existing Act norms and rules of the Government must be followed for the procurement process.
(2) Innovative work can be done from district / corporation level to increase the life and usefulness of identity card by deciding on the choice of card material, quality-type of printing as well as use of technology like RFID, QR Code etc.
(3) Before issuing the identity card, the identity of each teacher should be verified with a photograph and details of the appointment. Government primary schools as well as government and grant-in-aid secondary, higher secondary
(4) Issue of Identity Card with photo to all (100%) working teachers of schools
It should be ensured that the identity card is always kept at the school.
(5) Grants will be allotted to the District / Corporation Project Office for the entire education as per the prescribed full budget for the district / corporation at the rate of Rs. According to which the budget will have to be spent within the limits.
For the operation of identity card for teachers of government and grant-in-aid secondary, higher secondary schools, the office of the concerned District Education Officer will have to carryut the entire education in coordination with the district / corporation project office.
In this regard, it is advised to take necessary action from your level immediately.
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