Saturday, June 5, 2021

School time related important circular 5/6/2021.

School time related important circular 5/6/2021.

Standard - 7th July

1. Can read, understand, tell stories, songs, poems, descriptions, conversations, plays. (In terms of song and poetry). How many students have you given √ in this study conclusion? *

2. Can read and understand stories, songs, poems, descriptions, conversations, plays. (In terms of song and poetry). How many students do you have in this study conclusion? given? *

3. Can read and understand stories, songs, poems, descriptions, conversations, plays. (In terms of song and poetry). How many students did you give X to in this study conclusion? *

4. Can recite, sing, act and recite poems, lyrics. How many students have you given √ in this study conclusion? *

5. Can recite, sing, act and recite poems, lyrics. How many students do you have in this study conclusion? given? *

6. Can recite poems, lyrics, songs, acting and recitations. How many students did you give X to in this study conclusion? *

7. Can read and understand stories, songs, poems, descriptions, conversations, plays. (In terms of story and conversation). How many students have you given √ in this study conclusion? *

8. Can read and understand stories, songs, poems, descriptions, conversations, plays. (In terms of story and conversation). How many students do you have in this study conclusion? given? *

9. Can read and understand stories, songs, poems, descriptions, conversations, plays. (In terms of story and conversation). How many students did you give X to in this study conclusion? *

10. Can do crooked writing with proper punctuation and valid spelling. How many students have you given √ in this study conclusion? *

11. Can do crooked writing with proper punctuation and valid spelling. How many students do you have in this study conclusion? given? *

12. Can write crooked writing with proper punctuation and valid spelling. How many students did you give X to in this study conclusion? *

13. Can dictate with valid spelling with punctuation keeping proper spacing between words. (In terms of writing instead of dictation here). How many students have you given √ in this study conclusion? *

14. Can dictate with valid spelling with punctuation keeping proper spacing between words. (In terms of writing instead of dictation here). How many students do you have in this study conclusion? given? *

15. Can dictate with valid spelling with punctuation keeping proper spacing between words. (In terms of writing instead of dictation here). How many students did you give X to in this study conclusion? *

16. Will be able to understand the numbers from 21 to 50 through listening and reading. How many students have you given √ in this study conclusion? *

17. Understand the numbers from 21 to 50 through listening and reading. How many students do you have in this study conclusion? given? *

18. Will be able to understand the numbers from 21 to 50 through listening and reading. How many students did you give X to in this study conclusion? *

19. Will be able to interpret the song through listening and reading. How many students have you given √ in this study conclusion? *

20. Will be able to interpret the song through listening and reading. How many students do you have in this study conclusion? given? *

21. Will be able to interpret the song through listening and reading. How many students did you give X to in this study conclusion? *

22. Sing poetry individually and collectively. How many students have you given √ in this study conclusion? *

23. Sing poetry individually and collectively. How many students do you have in this study conclusion? given? *

24. Sing poetry individually and collectively. How many students did you give X to in this study conclusion? *

25. Sing Rhymes, Action Songs and enjoy it. How many students have you given √ in this study conclusion? *

26. Sing Rhymes, Action Songs and enjoy it. How many students do you have in this study conclusion? given? *

27. Sing Rhymes, Action Songs and e

School time related important circular 5/6/2021.

Important Link

Download School Time Paripatra : Click Here

Download Karmchario 100 % Hajri babat Paripatra : Click Here

from Aapanu Gujarat :: An Official Website
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